The Word of God in Romania 1995.09.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of the A | Page 4
Me, and out of My blood I made the new wine for the one who believes in God that came down
on the earth; and My body became bread, and I became a heavenly manna for the faithful one.
Israel said that he served God and when the Lord came to pay them for their faith, He found
sour grapes in the faith of Israel. The church of today says that it serves God, and behold,
the Word is being proclaimed for His coming in the clouds, as it is written into the Scriptures
that He comes to pay for the work, and there are still sour grapes in all vineyard of today.
Behold a Scripture that is fulfilled: «The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth
are set on edge». Oh, it should have not been that way, as I put Myself on the cross for redemption,
and behold, I was slandered by the man of the church, and I am again not known by the sons. But
I will sink all disbelief again, for the water of the river of life flows; it flows and floods everywhere.
(See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) The word of God grows and the water
of the river of life becomes word and it is word, for the man does not want manna. The man wants
meat; he does not want manna; he does not want the word of God. Manna is obedience and meat
is disobedience, and it is free will in man.
Oh, Orthodoxy, daughter of the first faith, which I gave to My apostles to bear, with
whom I walk over the land of Israel! I came to Israel in the flesh, and to you I have come in
the spirit, as I promised that I come. Oh, daughter of the faith of that time! You have carried
My message until today and when I was about to give you the reward, the shine and the holiness,
you did as the Jews did. You did not receive Me; you did not know Me; you did not know My
voice and the word that comes with Me on the clouds. You became conceited and did not receive
Me; moreover, you put your hand at My mouth and you look out for your people and do not let
them believe in Me, into My coming through the word, for I am the Word. Behold, you send Me
away; you send Me away from your Synagogue, and I have come to do you good. I have not asked
you anything but to give up your sins and to be clean, My church, but you do not want to be Mine.
That is why I bowed down to you to ask you to be Mine, so that I may give you manna from
heaven. That is why I have come and I have come because it was written that I come. Open My
book and see that My coming is written into it, and take a good look and read well, and see that
My name is the Word of God, (Rev: 19/13, r.n.), and behold, the Word came in through the
prophesied coming and you sleep. The one, who does not take My word to eat, sleeps. He, who
does not hears, sleeps. But you could not say that you did not hear, as the dead from the graves
will testify that they heard this word, and then you will not know where to hide in from My wrath.
(See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.)
Oh, daughter of today, I wanted to give you a ring with a precious stone, on which it is
written My name, the Word of God. I have come with this ring to you, so that everybody may
know that you are the bride asked into marriage by the Bridegroom Who comes. (See the selection
topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) And you, daughter of your parents, you do not know the
One Who comes, and behold, He comes; He has always come and you stay closed into His way.
Oh, vine with sour grapes, I stopped in you on a mound and I grafted a branch from the
vine and I put it to be taken care of, to grow and to be multiplied, and I gathered ripen grapes from
it, good to be put on the table. I took from you, and you should have rejoiced that I came to you to
bring forth fruit in you, and I spoke from My tendered vineyard and I told you to come back to
yielding fruit and to tending. Open to see what I have come with. I do not want to take what is
yours, and I want you to let yourself for renewal, to let yourself for eternal life with Me. Open to
Me, as the sinful world trampled on you and on your little dress and turned you into a Bab-
ylon. Come back from your slavery, as the sons of the Babylon came into your palaces and defiled
you with them, and My heart seeing your nakedness departed from you and from your sister,