in its costume , goes . Receive My image , the image of your grandfathers , but you should not hide yourself under My image to tell Me that you are Christian and you are not Christian .
Oh , you do not know what I have prepared for you , Romanian . I have in you a little and tiny people . I have taken it out of you and I have brought it under the ray of My word , and I have grown it up in spirit and word ; moreover , I have kept it hidden from Herods and Judases , and I have gone through it through the wilderness of disbelief , ( From under the dictatorship of the communist „ read beast ”, r . n .); and I take it over and put it into the lamp stand to give you light and for you to take after its life and to make out of it a model of life without death upon you . Oh , Romanian son , how little you are ! Why are you so little , so spiritless ? Oh , the sin is not good . It has separated you from Me ; it is not good . It has separated you from cleanness and united you with the immorality , Romanian son .
My word comes on the wind ; it comes with the wind ; it comes with Me to you in the still breeze , Romanian , My people . It comes in a gentle breeze , as it went to Abraham , to Moses , to Elijah . I speak otherwise with the pagan world . I speak by deeds with the pagan world . I proclaimed and I still proclaim today by the prophets . I proclaim plagues over the pagan world , and the word becomes deed . I speak to the world by thunders , but thunderbolts , by flood , by earthquakes , by fire , by a bad slap , by lack of wisdom upon the world .
Oh , Romanian people , I have nothing to do with the people with schools ; I have no work for them . The school is holiness , and those that are learned from the earth do not have the training of holiness and its work . I can do nothing with those that have schools ; I cannot . I can teach them nothing but about Saul who had education and persecuted Me because of his so much learning , and after that I appointed him to preach Me to those of other nations and I humbled him becoming Myself a victor in him . This is how I overcame Saul , the one that was educated on earth . I have nothing to do with those that are proud , with those that are haughty in their mind . I need a poor man in his spirit . The one that is haughty is a god to himself . I have nothing to do with the haughty one . I have nothing to do with the one that is dyed , with the one that is made-up , as dying is a dirty thing that covers the wickedness , the ugliness and the lying , so that they may not be seen . Make-up is a dyed countenance to cover the ugly face . I stay hidden from your face and wait the moment of your redemption , Romanian , My Christian . Wake up ! Do you hear My voice ?
Wash your sin away Romania , and repent ! I am ready to forgive your sin !
I have in you a man that is anointed by Me , a man in My plan from over you . I made a wonderful thing in you and I brought you a little white stone , and I want to write your name on it , and I want you to know My spring . I have in you a little white and holy stone with many eyes in you , and I have the seven godly spirits written on it , and on its top is written : The Word of God . And I have had during this time a witness at the rock of this spring , to give you a rock of spring , Romanian people . I took this witness and I commanded him to strike with the staff