The Word of God in Romania 1995.03.04 - The Worf of God for Romania | Page 5
Oh, Romanian people, your voivode is crying in the middle of Egypt; (Exile, r.n.) your
king is crying, Romanian; he cries and blesses you always crying, so that you may not perish;
he cries and prays with all of his heart, as David, My anointed one did, when he wrote his
prayers on earth. You king is crying, Romanian, as he was taken away his house and his country
and his kindred, and no one really wants him from among those that struggle for him, as they
do not do My will on earth, and he will overcome by My will against the man who is against
God; he will overcome by My sanctified people, and your king will come to Me and to you,
My Romanian people. Oh, he was thrown away from his place, and since then it has not been
going well with you, as you removed the small one far away to be eaten by the beasts. You did
like Joseph’s brothers, who casted the little one away, and since then you have been a slave, as
Israel had been as slave in Babylon.
Oh, Romanian, Romanian, are you really a people with a wicked soul? You are not with
a wicked soul, but why did you cast away the one that I gave birth for you? Who taught you to
do so? I punished and I still punish those that took you out from the man with a good soul to a
man with a ruthless soul. Oh, it is not allowed for a brother to kill his brother, Romanian Israel.
God does not allow you to destroy and murder. I forgave you and I will refresh you with the
Holy Spirit, but wash away of this outrageous sin, as I wrote in My commandments that you
should not kill, that you should not give false tes-
timony against your neighbor, and that you should
not covet your neighbor’s house. I did not tell
you to cut your head off, and why did you do
it? You cut your head off and put something
else in its place. (The communist dictatorship,
r.n.) I did not tell you to cast away your anointed
and why did you do it? And where is the anointed
of this people? Oh, I have protected him as he
cried out to Me for him and for you. I have never
had a people without a shepherd and a shepherd
without a people.
Wash your sin away, Romanian, and repent as
by your deeds you prove that you are the son and the
daughter of those who agreed to the evil deed by
which My anointed ones from you may be killed and
casted away. Behold, I come and breathe upon you
with My word. Take on you the holy garments, Ro-
manian, My people. Where is your costume of Roma-
nian, Christian? Oh, you are a pagan people accord-
ing to your costume. Your grandfathers look for you
to see you, to know you among those from the earth,
and they do not see you. The whole heaven bears the
name of the Romanian on their lips and in their sing-
ing. The whole heaven and all the angels sing the
song of the Romanian crown. Only the Romanian is
no longer shown to be seen by his grandfathers. Ro-
manian, where is your Romanian shirt? Seek well to
find your little shirt, Romanian son, as I open the book
and you will see where the world, pagan in image and