The Word of God in Romania 1995.01.07 - The Word of God at the Nativity (the | Page 3

1995.01.07 Mother did: «Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to Lord word». And be- hold, child of Jerusalem, if you have stayed into My work, it will be seen now, as in the sieve of selection and sifting the whole grain will remain, and that is why I have always said to you to fall in love with Me, Jerusalem, as I am also in love with you. But now I want to see the one who was faithful to Me and to take him at My bosom and to be forever with him, as it is written into the Scripture, for Verginica was God’s trumpet through which I came down on the earth to you to give you birth, Jerusalem, so that you may stay then embraced with Me, and to give you My embrace and to call you Jerusalem; and to have you in My heart, to have you in My heavenly heart, as I have a heart son; I have a heart like the man, and you cannot say that I do not have. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) I was born of the man at the voice of the archangel, and I was born in a wonderful way, and the Virgin, who I became flesh into, also remained virgin after My birth. I was born in a wonderful way, and you cannot understand it. You need a great faith, son. My father gave Me birth from a Virgin; He got Me out through the closed doors, and he did not spoil the Virgin’s body, and the Virgin’s body remained virgin. The woman was taken out of the man, sons. God took a hand of flesh from the man’s ribs and filled back the place with flesh, and it was no longer known what God took, and out of this flesh He made the woman; He made her out of the flesh. God made the man out of clay, both out of clay and by the word, and He made the woman out of the man and by the word, out of the flesh and by the word. When I got out of the Virgin’s womb, I was the same. By word I was taken out of the Virgin’s womb in a godly way, sons. It is written, but few perceive those that are written; it is written that the righteous Joseph brought the Virgin to his home, but he did not know her until she gave birth to God’s Son. When Joseph saw the Son born near the Virgin, then he understood clearly; then he understood and knew clearly the miracle of My birth of the Virgin, and then he testified about this; but he testified to a few people; to a few people then too; but neither today, nor the world, nor the Christians know to understand well the miracle of My birth from the Virgin. (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and of the woman”, r.n.) Oh, Jerusalem, what good it would have been of you if you had read the prophecies, the Scriptures and its mysteries, and to have believed them! You would have known to believe like the Magi too, like the Samaritan woman and like all others who knew the book of the prophets. The Samaritan woman was a Gentile and read the book of the prophets and knew that Messiah should come, and when she met Him, she believed that He is, the One That had to come. Behold My people, you do not read the prophecies. See, Christian, why I have come to speak with you again? I have come because you do not read, and I have come to tell you to read, to believe in th e fulfillment of the prophecies, sons. (See also the collection „The Prophets about Romania”, r.n.) I have come to tell you about Me if you do not read to know My word spoken by the prophets and by the apostles, as the Samaritan woman knew, although she was of a foreign people. The Magi knew, because they read the book of the prophecies. And you, Jerusalem, should have also known; you should have known about Me and about you and you should seek to be with Me; you should seek to see that you are prophesied by the prophets, and you should stay into My work that was prophesied by God into the prophets. Oh, but how comes this, to stay in My work? Oh, there is no good tree that produces bad fruits, and there is no bad tree that produces good fruits, and the fruits of every one are seen, and that is why I made a sieve to see what fruit is and what not fruit is. It is written that the man brings that what is good or bad out of the treasure of his heart, and this is how that the fruits of his heart are seen. 3