The Word of God in Romania 1995.01.07 - The Word of God at the Nativity (the | Page 2

the dry , as without My word everything is dry and arid . ( See the selection topic : „ The true church ”, r . n .)
Let My glory be in you , children of the manger of My word , and may you give forth good will upon My people of this time , upon Virginia ’ s people , sons . Behold , I tell you a mystery and I will unseal it among My people ; I tell you about the mystery of My coming of then and of now . It is written into the Scriptures : « For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven , at the voice of archangel , into God ’ s trumpet ; and the dead in Christ will rise first , and those who are alive will be clothed with immortality , and death shall no longer be , and then we will be with the Lord forever ».
Oh , Jerusalem , My loved people , this is written into the book of testimonies , and as the Magi believed in the prophecy about the birth of the King of the world ; and as they understood from the prophets about My birth and believed ; and as they left the east to follow the star to find the One born of heaven ; and as they believed into the prophecies proclaimed beforehand by the wise people of the old , you should believe likewise ; however , you should believe better than those , son , as they were pagan wise people that had faith in the prophecies proclaimed on the earth , but you , My people , you are Christian , and you have to understand even better than those , as behold , I reveal the mystery of My coming . This is written into the Scriptures : « The Lord Himself , at the voice of archangel , into God ’ s trumpet , will descend from heaven ».
Oh , Jerusalem , My child of today , My baby , My people of today ! I gave Verginica ’ s name . ( Romanian diminutive of Virginia - the sixth trumpet of the Lord – see the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic trumpets ”, r . n .) I called her God ’ s trumpet into your midst , Jerusalem of today . Verginica was called God ’ s trumpet , and you did not understand My coming by the declared word of the Scripture . When I came down in the body by My Mother , the Virgin , I came down at the voice of the archangel and I came for appearance , and now I have come and descended through God ’ s trumpet , as it is written : « At the voice of archangel , into God ’ s trumpet ». I would come down from heaven into her , My people ; I was coming down into My trumpet from heaven , and I was before her to raise you from the dead and to raise your dead to life , for if you were hearing My voice , all of your body would hear it ; all of your people , all of your kindred down to Abraham , son , down to your thousand generation , down to Abraham , the father of all the faithful , and all of your dead would come to life at the voice of God ’ s trumpet ; and as for you , that were alive , I would take you into My work to stay in it , My child of today . ( See the selection topic : „ Resurrection of the dead ”, r . n .)
Have you stayed in My work , son ? Behold , I made a sieve to match the grain of wheat and now it will be seen how you have stayed in My work , My child from ( Romanian ) Jerusalem . I made a sieve and I will sift with it the sons of this people . In the time of Noah I also had a sieve and I put everyone into it , and nothing was left within the sieve but the grain of wheat , the clean and whole grain in obedience and faith . ( See the selection topic : „ As in the days of Noah ”, r . n .) During this time I have also made a sieve for My people , and I tell My people to be like the grain of wheat ; like the grain of wheat : whole , clean , spotless and pure . What is whole , ripe , clean and healthy will remain into the sieve , and what is small , barren , unripe and foreign to Me , will go through the sieve . I do no longer have time ahead , as I have come and always told that the sons of this work are the end of the man ’ s age . ( See the selection topic : „ The End of the world and the Day of the Lord ”, r . n .) Oh , little from Jerusalem believed My words . They ascribed them to man and did not believe that they were from Me , and if they did so , those who did not know to believe and fulfill , remained with this age . If the child of this people had said as the Virgin , My