The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.19 - The Word of God at the Feast of Pente | Page 4
I likened My kingdom to natural parables, but natural parables are not eternal, sons; they
are only an image of those that are eternal. You saw what the prince of the world did, that he pasted
the man to his visible things, of the prince of the world, children. And now, at his end, the prince
of the world made a machinery and opened a window to those that are seen, and seduced with it
the whole creature, (The television and the internet, r.n.); and the man is looking into this window
and forgets about the heaven; and the man is looking at the confusion of the languages on earth,
which are seen by this window. But I will fool him and I will turn this weapon against him, as
I will make use of his weapon and his window and get in it the work of the Holy Spirit and
the view of the heavenly life that I work and make out upon you, Israel, My people of today.
Behold, I came to show you through this window, (The screen, the monitor, r.n.), the testimony
of your celebration with me at the feast of the Ascension, at Verginica’s feast and of Vergin-
ica’s village. I have to turn everything back to those that will never be destroyed, but stay into at
the school of the Holy Spirit, My people, and learn well, to take the little crown, the gift and the
prize of salvation, Israel.
You do not find the teaching of the Holy Spirit on earth, but you find you in heaven instead,
My people. Stay in heaven, stay with Me and do not get out from Me and from My presence, as
outside are the wolves with body and without body; outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the idol
worshippers, the liars and fornicators and murderers; outside is the confusion of the languages, My
people. Let them come in to Me; those that were and got out from Me leaving for Babylon. Let
them come in repenting for them and for the whole creature, as outside is the confusion of the
languages, children. There is only one language with Me, sons, the language of the Holy Spirit,
cleaning the death off, and all things will come back to those that are not shaken.
All the people that were gathered together at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, were seized
by the work of the Holy Spirit; they all were hearing the language of the Holy Spirit into their own
languages, and believed that it was the wine that was speaking through them, children. My apostles
were filled with the new wine, the renewed spirit of the new wine, a drunkenness of the Holy Spirit
on the earth, a joy of the Holy Spirit upon the people, the spirit of Jesus Christ’s victory, the One
Who ascended to the Father, the One raised through death and resurrection. Every people were
seized by this joy of the new language in Jerusalem, the language from heaven over the creatures.
All of your body, Israel, My people, all of your body should be baptized during all the time
with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the fire of the Holy Spirit, and you should work son, from
My apostles on until today and tomorrow; from the beginning and until today and tomorrow, My
people, as tomorrow I will rest again in the man, in the man from the beginning, and I will
celebrate the day of the Lord’s rest.
You shall love the Lord, your God, Israel; you shall love Him with all your heart, with all
your soul, with all of your mind, and your neighbor as yourself, My people. I will come to you, as
I will gather your together to speak with you about this commandment in which the whole of My
kingdom is included in you, Israel.
May you be blessed, My people! May you, the children of the manger of the word, who
take into your little bag and bring to My people, be blessed! Receive and give! This is My word