The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.19 - The Word of God at the Feast of Pente | Page 3

1994.06.19 My loved children, I took Abraham out of the confusion of the languages on the earth, and I separated and blessed him, and I blessed all the nations in him; and I have raised out of him a people, and I have always been with this people, and I have had this people from the nations of the earth, and I have stayed into its midst and spoken into My heavenly language, which had been over the people until the confusion of the languages; until the birth of the Babylon over the confused languages. As when the people started to speak on the earth there was only one language, and the people after the flood spread then all over the face of the earth, but they sought first to build a city and a tower into its midst, having the thought to reach up to heaven, and so that this testimony may belong to them, and then to scatter themselves all over the face of the earth. This was man’s work and the Lord looked at the city built by the sons of the people, by the sons who got out with their mind from other people of the earth. And if God saw that the people would not stop from their haughty thought, He had the confusion of their languages come down and they could no longer understand each other; and they did not advance with their tower, and this work, this city, was called Babylon, and afterwards the Lord scattered the people from there all over the face of the earth. And the people remained so and they do not longer have the language of the Holy Spirit. And today is the same, and that is why I said to you that the language of the Holy Spirit cannot be learned on earth, but only in heaven, Israel, My people, as I speak only with you about the heavenly mysteries. It is written that they who violate one law are guilty, but today all the laws are violated, all the commandments for holiness and how could the people teach other people and this language to be good when they are guilty of those that are holy? The teachers, who teach and speak into the name of God, have read the book of the Holy Spirit, but if they do not fulfill those that are written, it is not said that they teach when the say: „Lord, we taught the world into the markets and followed you”. Woe, what painful it will be the answer of the Holy Spirit, of the language of the Holy Spirit, Which is from heaven and that cannot be included into the book from the earth! This language and its speech is endless on the earth and in heaven, and behold, the book stays open until the end, until the first beginning, which is to come again for the settling down of those that are not shaken. I had not been with My work until then, only what was written then and until then: I am in an endless work, and behold, I work and I speak from heaven over the people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and over the people of Verginica, My people promised to be and to start being, so that all the nations of the earth may come to God and to the school of the Holy Spirit, as it is written: «For out of Zion will come forth the law, and all the nations will flow there». The mount of Zion is God’s throne, from where this work of the Holy Spirit flows over you, Israel, My people. Take son, and give from it, and the one who believes and will be baptized into it, into this water of the river of life, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) into the water of Jordan, which flows from the throne of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and he, who will be baptized into this heavenly vessel, that one will come to Me and will be received and have resurrection and a day of resurrection. But see what you are doing, Israel; see how you drink from this water and see how you give from it. Take the little wooden pail into your hand and take water into it and give it to the nations of the earth. This is how you should go, on the day of Epiphany, to take the holy water from the Jordan of Jesus Christ and to go to your household and sprinkle yourself with it, so that everything may be sanctified; this is how you should take from your little wooden pail the water of the Holy Spirit and to baptize into it the whole creature, so that the creature may know the taste of God; to taste and to be hungry after God. 3