The Word of God in Romania 1993.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 3

Verginica is looking to see her people . She looks again and again , and finds the people on the ladder and sees that they do not know to climb up the steps , and Verginica wants to talk with her people . Blow the trumpet so that the people may hear and that Verginica may speak over her people and tell them to start climbing the ladder , as she is reclining to give her hand to each one in order to help them pass their climbing . Let it be proclaimed a day of meeting with Verginica ’ s word , and let the people stay and listen as in the days of old . Let them gather together , two by two , three by three , in each town , and carry away her last proclamation . And then the Lord will have to share a word upon the crowds , and behold , the spirit of the heavenly peace and of the power of peace wraps you up , you children of My word , so that I may come to you with the thing that I had to work . Let the spirit of My peace be in you . Let there be the sharpness of the Holy Spirit , the one that is teaching in you and upon you , as those that stay working in the Holy Spirit of godly revelations are blessed . Clear out from you everything that is foreign to the Holy Spirit , for the Holy Spirit is in heaven , in those that are from heaven . The heaven is the dwelling of the Holy Spirit . Be a heavenly . Be a heavenly dwelling of the Holy Spirit ; be a house of humility , My dear , as this is the house of the Holy Spirit . Love the glory , which is coming from the work of humility and do not love the fruit of another kind of glory , as such a glory will not remain into the new age .
I said and I say to you again : do not allow the evil spirit make a nest among you , and break down each time the nest of the evil spirit foreign to God . Do not be tolerant with the face of the evil spirit . Do not look at the face and search out the spirit ; search the Holy Spirit with your sight , and let those that are covered be uncovered and visible , and this way you should work . The hidden work is called darkness among you . Work everything in the light so that it may be searched out the work of each one of you , to see if it is or not like the Holy Spirit . Give an uncovered light to one another , for those that are good are uncovered through them , but those that are evil are also discovered through them as well , for here with you everything is worked out in the light , as My light , which works to bring into view all those that are worked , brings all hidden things into view . Be sons of the light , which works with you and which comes upon the earth to give light from heaven .
May the feast of the St . prophet Elijah be blessed upon you ! May a heavenly greeting of joy be upon you ! The little angels of the glory lift up their trumpets and call the song of this celebration , for the heaven is in great joy in its celebrations until the establishment of the eternal celebration , in which the songs of the heavenly glory will never end ; the songs of the new , heavenly and eternal age .
May your praise song and the food of joy of today ’ s feast be blessed ! May you be blessed , children of the heavenly blessings , which start with you . Amen , amen , amen . 02-08-1993
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor ( editor ). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here : http :// www . slideshare . net / billydeanen / documents