The Word of God in Romania 1993.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 2

again ; and let it be heard over you and over the multitudes the voice of the prophet which says : « Behold , the Lord is coming with His thousands of saints !» and every eye will see this glory . Amen .
My loved children , this is the work that the Lord nestled in your garden , the work of the preparation of the glory , which is coming with Me over the creatures . You are workers hired by the heaven , and you are blessed because of this hire , as you left land , houses , kindred , father and mother , brothers , and you let yourselves be hired into My vineyard . I am the vineyard and you are the branches and we will drink and eat at the autumn table , as the summer is coming to an end and the table of the blessed autumn is coming near when all the fruit that we labored for will be gathered and put on the table . And wine of a new vineyard will be on the table , as the wine will be new , My dear , and the old wine will be turned into water , as this is how it is when it is tried to put water into wine or when it is tried to turn the water into wine . Oh , with God this is not possible ; this kind of wine has no room before God . And there will be a new , clean and not mixed wine that is worked with toil ; and for this , I , the Lord , will give it a new , good and heavenly taste , so that the weary may have and I will give them so that they may have . And we will stay on this celebration of the new vineyard and new wine , of the new heaven and new earth , as everything will become new and not perishable . Amen . ( See the selection topic „ The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility ”, r . n .)
The great prophet Elijah is celebrated to you , he who has received this work of preparation of the path of God ’ s glory , Who is coming again . ( See the selection topic : „ Enoch and Elijah ”, r . n .) Behold , both you and he , bring glory and gratitude to one another on this day . He will touch you with the staff of the blessing and with the waistcoat of the power and he will mark you as workers of the time of the glory of God ’ s work . The saints work with you , and you work with them , and behold the heaven and the earth is working so that the new age , established and not perishable , may be seen . And the Lord will show Himself again , and He will be beside His fleshly creature , that is in the Spirit of the Lord and that works in the Spirit of the Lord .
Oh , how great it might have been the glory of this people , gathered by the word of this work , gathered from swamps and mire , from thorns and narrows , from mountains and valleys ; how great the glory of Israel ( Romanian Israel , r . n .) could have been if it had chosen the Lord and forsaken his idols ! The earth would have been full of rivers , gifts , light , salt and of My word that had always been given . I have been standing in front of this people for forty years , as I had stood in the time of Moses until we got to Jordan . And where are the people , so that we may pass now singing and that the new earth may be shown ? But where are those that were born on the way ? And behold , these will be born in one day and the Lord will have His people and put it into Eden , for I will show them the life in Eden , and they will leave the death and will be born from heaven ; and the Lord will have a people and will bring it to the spring to drink from the law of the holiness , and it will know God .
Verginica is great on the celebration of this day . She works upon you together with the prophet Elijah and with the apostle , who proclaimed the new time . Verginica touches you and brings you gratitude for your work with the heaven and clothes you with the garment of the heavenly power , so that you may finish the work of godly glory , which will be shown near you .