The sign of the Son of Man
they will be again , and it is written again that I will come and I will fulfill . But with you I am not as I am for the world , for you let yourselves be worked out by Me , you let with Me and knew that I am , and I have not stopped this work since I started it in Romania , for I came to My Romania to prepare for it a clean and white robe , for I want to fulfill with her that Scripture which says : « And I saw those who overcame the beast and its image and its mark , standing on the sea of glass , having the harps of God . And I saw a great multitude , from every nation and languages and tribes , standing before the throne of the Lamb , clothed with white robes , and singing the new song of Moses , of those redeemed from bondage ». And this Scripture I want to bring off in Romania and all will understand on that day the words of John , the Evangelist , who wrote this way : « Behold God ’ s tabernacle is among people and he will dwell with them , and they will be his people and God himself will walk with them and every tear will be wiped off ».
Excerpt from God ’ s Word to Gheorghe Zamfir , from
22-02-1992 . ***
The day to take into account the workers of My vineyard is coming , and I will ask for their fruit , and I will ask for their harvest , fruit and talent , and on that day , they will be emptyhanded before Me , and you will be prepared to give My vineyard into your account ; however , I will stay with you at the table and serve you as you also stay today in My name before My word . I will fulfill the Scriptures of today with you , people of the Lord , and I will give a sign to the unbelievers , but I tell you that I have already given them , and they did not even look at you , and if they looked , they did not recognize you ; who do you belong to , people of the Lord , as I have stayed with you under the bushel until today , but I come out with you , sons , and you will be signs among the nations of the earth .
Behold , the time by now has spun and its spinning came to an end , for you , sons , are called a new beginning in heaven , as it was the promise in the Scriptures about the New Passover that the Lord establishes in His kingdom , as here is a heavenly kingdom . The heavenly kingdom means there where all eat the Lord ’ s Passover . Youth without old age and life without death is there where every day the Lord ’ s Passover is eaten with holiness . This mystery is awful for the evil spirit of life without death , as the life without death is the Lord , Jesus Christ , without end in the man . And be careful , My children , to look well resurrected through this everlasting Passover of the celebration of the Lamb of God , as you overcame by the Blood of God ’ s Lamb . You should not be from the earth , for the mystery that comprises you is great . You are the sign of God through the times , and take this sign to all the margins , for the Lord ’ s judgment is written by God to all the margins . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Virginia , from
14-12-1994 ***
My people do not forget that you are a witness over time , that you are a sign that stirs up opposition over the people without the Holy Spirit . Israel , Israel , the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father , gathered you together on the hill full of testimonies . Here I am again in My village with My people , in the village of My word . This village will be called the village of the Word of God and will bear My name .