The sign of the Son of Man
... Stand up on the foundation of faith ; stand up now as well , for I am coming now to you and I am telling you about the beginning of visible thing , because I said that I would bring out this well of honey , this beginning of visible light , for the day of glory is coming , child of this glory . I said that we would work to draw out the cross and fix it on the top of the cornerstone for the crowds to know the work of the sign of the Son of Man , Who will appear on the clouds after this sign , for the Son of Man is going to work visibly then to gather in the garden of His appearance all His elected from the margins of the heaven to the other margins . Truly , truly I am speaking now too that this generation will not pass and this work , brought by the word , will be fulfilled . In addition , about that day and hour , behold My child , only the Father knows , and the Father is in the Son and the Son is together with the Father in all those who , by the Spirit , cry : “ Abba , Father !” Behold a mystery , sealed and unsealed in this time ! Blessed is that servant whom , the Father and the Son find working and believing so ; most assuredly I tell you that he will be set over all things . However , for those who deny this truth , the Lord will come when they don ’ t expect it and will take their ministry and appoint their portion with the hypocrites ; there is where the weeping and the grinding of teeth will be .
I will write your name on this stone and I will write the names of My elect , but I also want to write the name of the anointed one , ( King Michael , r . n .), who is from Me , on this stone . Have wisdom from Me , for wisdom is My daughter , which came forth from Me before all that had been done by word . I have given word to My servants through whom I come with the word , and I work by word , from those that are spoken and to those that are fulfilled by word , but I want to see working with faith those who come that I may complete the mystery of these testimonies , as the day of testimonies is coming , My child ; it is coming and then we will come under its rest ; we will come first , those who will have worked this work , and then it will be for us to call under this vineyard all those who dwell in our heavens , for in the heaven of the hearts of the faithful dwell the many multitudes that are to be nourished and healed from the fruits and leaves of the foretold planting , and they will take life by this new stone . But behold , we have to make an enrollment , that this may be known on earth and that it may remain as a testimony , for its testimony will work in such a way that we may be able to lift up this stone then and to fix on its top the sign of the Son of Man , and then the angelic song may be heard on earth and so that we may sing like angels : « Blessed is He Who comes again in the name of the Lord !», for I am the Alpha and the Omega . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God to his chosen , Irineu , from
04-06-1991 . ***
The heaven leaps with joy when it sees that there is still living faith on earth and light of Holy Spirit over the sons and daughters who wait for the kingdom of God . This stone , coming down from heaven by the word , I am this stone ; I and those who have believed in the time of the accomplishments written for this time . This blessed manger is hidden from the meanings of those who are not clothed with the light of the wisdom , clean and not mixed with those from the world .
Here is why I put this sign over My Romania . I placed this manger of heavenly word so that the man may come back to Me , to bring the faithful one to the condition that I left over My few people when I went to take My place from where I came down when I took a human body , seen by God and seen among people . Then I came into the world , but the world did not know Me , My loved ones . And look , the Lord is doing a great work , but the world cannot understand it , and if it cannot , come My loved ones , come , for We are in you and you are in Us . Let us make man understand this heavenly time . It is written that those things that were once