The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 90

Resurrection of the dead
resurrection of the dead , and then they may come to life , and they will come to life and testify God ’ s work , Who leads you in these days , and Who speaks over the living and the dead , for my Son spoke two thousand years ago that the time would come for those in the tombs to hear His voice and to come to life . Amen .
Oh , sons and daughters of my Son ’ s word , Who gives birth to man from above ! Open the book of His teaching on you and follow His teaching , for the resurrection of the dead comes and the people have to fear God and to fulfill His commandments on earth so that the Lord may remove from them the reward of their transgression . Teach the people their resurrection from sin , their resurrection from death . Tell those who call themselves Christians , that to be a Christian means to live in the spirit , soul and body in Christ and not in this world . And how comes in this world ? That is in its desires , for my Son whispered in the ear of those who hear Him speaking ; He said that as the man dips his morsel of bread or polenta in the tray with greaves , in the same way he spreads his morsel of sin and spoils his heart , his body against the spirit of the life of my Son , in man . Oh , always watch for your resurrection , always , always for resurrection . Love one another as my Son has loved you . How has He loved you ? He laid down His life for you . And you should do the same to each other and work the resurrection in a spirit of humility to each other , and in the same way , you should exhort those who ask you about God , Who speaks with you . Oh , build each other in Christ . This means to love one another as the Lord , Jesus Chris , my Son , has loved you . Oh , I would like to speak very much with you ; I would very much build you and teach you very much with the spirit of resurrection by my speaking , but you have much instruction upon you , for the wisdom of the word of my Son upon you is great . Keep watch for one another for the Lord ’ s teaching upon you , for there comes the resurrection of the dead , which waits in the dust of the earth , and this Scripture waits after you . The Lord wants you to be one and one , and all of you to be grown at the same stature , built equally and equally filled with God . Ask for the growth upon you . Set watchmen to feed you from God , to feed you continually , for it is given to them to feed you according to His order . He who takes grown from himself , that one is not a beautiful child , and he who receives growth from the hand of those ordained by God for you , that one is blessed and protected from death , because this means for man to pass from body into spirit . Oh , blessed are those who listen to those who are ordained by God over them ! Blessed are those who become a field , for those who sow God ’ s kingdom in man . Blessed are those who listen to the advise and hand of those who work from God upon them , because man has to deny himself and he can do this only in obedience , for there have been great people on earth in their rank and love for God , and when they longed after their salvation more , they bowed down and went to obedience , to self-denial and to their cross bearing in order to be saved , for he who is saved is he who saves from his self , and man ’ s salvation is nothing else , but the saving life in man .
Oh , listen to God ’ s precepts , you , God ’ s sons , and listen to those who are ordained by God to lead you so that you may be guided sons , obedient sons . Amen .
And as for You , my Lord and Son , teach the sons of men the wisdom of resurrection . Come with this table before them and send angelic hosts to touch their souls by the sweet wind of Your word on earth , word that comforts and which calls and gives life , and have mercy on the Romanian country according to Your promises for it , and crown it with the spirit of the fear of God and then with the spirit of resurrection , and remember the prophecy made to king David , who spoke and said : « As far as the heaven is from the earth , as far as the east is from the west , so far is the Lord ’ s mercy for those who fear Him ». Amen , amen , amen .