The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 89

Resurrection of the dead
telling them that God ’ s kingdom was not of this world and that it was in those who loved it in them , and Me as their master , the Master of their lives and love on earth . Oh , today it is the same . I , the Lord , fulfill mysteriously everything I declare , for I do not set the fulfillments on the sons of men , for only on those who are and become God ’ s sons among people , and My promises belong to them , only for them to know to perceive and carry them in them and over them , for My kingdom with them is not of this world , but it is from heaven and it is with the heaven in the midst of the faithful ones , and this heaven is My throne , whose bed is the earth , as it is written .
Come , mother , let Us work before the people Our speaking with the man , faithful to My coming . Come , mother , to strew over man the wisdom and the faith for the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age that is to come , for this age is not , because what it is , it is and does not pass away , mother . Come , mother , come to make the man ’ s building for the man to be then , because that which is not built is not , mother .
– Oh , the man is not built , he is not made , Son of the Father and mine , for You are the Creator of everything , and in order for You to give birth to the man from above , You have to build in him first the kingdom of the heavens , my dear Son and God of the faithful ones .
Oh , the man cannot love the kingdom of the heavens in him , for the man loves sin in him , and sin is death . The man dips his morsel in sin and eats it and he is not fed with God . Oh , the man cannot have control over himself to take God ’ s kingdom in him then and to glorify it in him , Son Lord . You have come now on earth with the wonder of Your speaking over man , but the man is unfaithful and believes only what he sees , poor of him , for he has corrupted his sight for Your things and he sees only the things of the man . You have come on earth with the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead , and Your voice into the midst of Your people is heard by those in the graves , for You have set a daily sacrifice into the midst of Your people and they are called out to resurrection , to remission of sins and then to their resurrection , for the prophet David blessed the Lord and said : « Praise the Lord , my soul , the Lord Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases . He redeems your life from destruction ; Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies ; He will not always accuse ; neither will He stay angry forever . He has not dealt with us according to our sins , nor repaid us for our iniquities . For as the heavens are high above the earth , so great is His loving kindness toward those who fear Him . As far as the east is from the west , so far has He removed our transgressions from us . Like a father has compassion on his children , so the Lord , has compassion on those who fear Him . For He knows how we are made . He remembers that we are dust . As for man , his days are grass . As a flower of the field , so he perishes . For the wind passes over it , and it is gone . Its place remembers it no more . But the Lord ’ s loving kindness is from everlasting to everlasting with those who fear Him ; to those who keep His covenant ; to those who remember to obey His precepts ». ( Ps : 103 / 1-4 ; 9-18 ; 103 MT 43 = 102 LXX 44 )
Oh , people of God ’ s word , my Son ! He exhorts you to fulfill His precepts that His mercy may always be on you . Oh , teach the people the mystery of the resurrection of the dead , for the people do not know and do not have a teacher to tell them and to teach them the resurrection and the life . Tell them that you are ordained by God to speak and to work the Scripture of the
Masoretic text .
The Septuagint . The Septuagint derives its name from Latin septuaginta interpretum versio , “ translation of the seventy interpreters ” ( hence the abbreviation LXX )