The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 84

Resurrection of the dead
We worship before You , Lord , in the midst of Your people , and together with him we are worshippers here . We pray to You from its midst for him , Good One : fulfill Your prophesy on earth more and more to the understanding of the people for this new beginning of Yours , which You announced by the prophets when You said that : « It shall happen in the last days that the mountain of the Lord ’ s temple will be established on the top of the mountains , and it will be exalted above the hills , and the nations will stream to it and many nations will say : “ Come , and let us go to the mountain of the Lord , and to the house of the God of Jacob ; and He will teach us of His ways , and we will walk in His paths , for out of Zion will go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem ». ( See Micah : 4 / 1 , 2 ) The haughty eyes will be humbled and the pride of the people will be brought low , and only the Lord will be exalted , for He will judge His day and will rise against everything that is haughty and exalted with pride and the man ’ s pride will be torn down , and in that day only the Lord will be exalted , and all the idols will be knocked down and the man will throw them away , for what kind of power does the man have ?
Out of the midst of the people of Your word we call You out for him , Good One . Give him strength and shepherd him in the spirit of the holy hope for the victory , Lord , and throw his opposing power to the ground . Cut out the power and the conspiracy , which gets up to strike into Your work into the midst of Your people , for out of Your midst You make the living river flow , the river of life , Lord , over the living and over the dead , for You came in Your time . Make way to Your word over the nations of the earth , for You come out of Your chamber as a Bridegroom , out of the midst of Your people when You come to him to share Yourself over the earth and to shine seven times over more than by this time through all those who have carried You to the people , because now You are the One Who speaks , You are the voice of the seventh angel , who announces the judgment , Your day , when all those that are haughty will turn pale and will bow down before the glory of Your day , for You have nothing to wait for from the people , for the people stay in the precipice of their unbelief and do no longer get out of it . However , you call out by Your voice over this dark deep and we , Your saints together with You and from You , call out in the coming : Come to life , you dry bones , for the flesh is rotten on you , it is only sin , and the sin is death , it is rottenness like the body , which decays in the soil ! Come to life , you , people locked-up in bodies and sold to sin ! We , the three bishops , Basil , Gregory and John , servants of fire in the Lord ’ s temple , mysterious workers in the vineyard of today , at the fire altar , settled by the Lord now into the midst of the Romanian nation for the Lord to burn on it the spirit opposing to Him and all the sins of the human creature , from Adam to this day , we , those who have come down from heaven in these days of the Lord ’ s coming , at his beginning in the year of 1955 , by His trumpet by which He called out , and again , now , at the end of His calling by those who serve now before the workers of fire together with us and we , together with them , call out and announce the Lord ’ s commandment : Come to life , you , dry bones , and become God ’ s sons by the gift of the holy faith ! Come to live , you , locked-up spirits in your bodies sold to the unbelief , to the spirit of the world and sin ! We do no longer command the evil spirit to come out of you , but we command your spirit to come to life and to overcome for God in you . Come to life and believe in God and then give forth fruit worthy of repentance and then become God ’ s sons , become holy just as we also became holy on the earth before the Lord of the saints , for He has given us this power , as it is written for those who believe in Him ! Amen .
And now , Lord , Lord , seek from heaven and search and look at this vineyard of Yours and perfect it , for Your people of today is Your vineyard , and make it and Your new vine grow , as You have advised Your people . And we , those who have the work of the heavenly anointing over it , we are among those who are set by us as workers on Your behalf through them for the