The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 83

Resurrection of the dead
Me before I may come to You because of your unbelief , to wake you up from it , to see and to believe ! However , the faith that comes to you by My wrath for your unbelief , that one judges and it does not comfort . However , I am the Lord , the Comforter , and I come with comfort and get in to your ear closed to Me , and I open it and tell you comfortably that the unbelief is the spirit of the world . And I also tell you man , fallen man , that the faith is God ’ s Spirit against the darkness of the unbelief . Amen , amen , amen .
Oh , My people , oh , My house of coming ! I have called out the unfaithful man out of you and I have called him out like a father . I have called the man out from your midst that he may be able to know that I am with you on earth and that I keep you in Me and I feed you likewise , and by your faith I pour Myself out into your midst like a river of living waters , which flow over those who have no water , without teaching , without resurrection over the earth , and whoever will get up and bow to drink will come to life from death and will come to life as you came to Me when you found My spring and tasted of its water , and behold , you are now My holy mountain , My temple , My Zion , My New Jerusalem , to which those who are thirsty of God head for and say to themselves : « Come , and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord , and to His temple , and He will teach us of His ways and we will walk in His paths , for out of Zion will go forth the law , and the word of the Lord will flow from Jerusalem to us , and the Lord , like a Shepherd Who shepherds His flock , will gather His lambs together within His arms and will take them to His bosom , and those who nurse will feel the rest ”, as it is written . ( See also Micah : 4 / 2 )
Oh , My people , the world has learned in an earthly way and it cannot see those that are from heaven in its midst , for I am the mysterious One with you , because this is how God is , and the one who stays in unbelief cannot see God . However , you should learn in a godly way , and you should believe likewise , but I have mercy on those who are in your midst and who did not perceive with their faith all My mystery in your midst , for those , who are slow in their mind for the things of God , have not received the whole power of faith from above and for the things from above , for the man gets from God only what he gives to God . And now , I , the Lord , release upon you the word of the three bishops celebrated today in heaven and into your midst and who became with their feast My bridge , the bridge of My word of today , for it is written into the prophets : « As the children of Israel bring their offering for the Lord ’ s temple , and as the new heavens and the new earth , which I will make , shall remain before Me , so shall your seed and your name remain … and it shall happen that from one new moon to another , and from one Sabbath to another , shall all flesh come to worship before Me » says the Lord . Amen , amen , amen . ( See Is : 66 / 2-23 )
— Oh , You are great , Lord , and Your works are wonderful , and there is no word to be enough for Your glory , for You have brought together to You the nations and the languages to see always Your glory from Your saints , and out of them You have taken priests and Levites , as You also took us and made us serve to Your godliness on the earth before the people , and behold , our nation of saints and our name remain , Lord , as it is written . We have come now from feast to feast and we are worshipping You together with Your people of today , which stands before Your word when it comes and which You made Your house on earth and of Your saints , Your messenger from margins to margins with Your mystery in its midst , for behold , from Jerusalem God ’ s word will flow to the nations , and You shepherd Your flock like a Shepherd and gather together in Your arms lambs , and You carry them at Your bosom , as it is written .