The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 65

Resurrection of the dead
Myself spoke it against those who were tempting Me concerning the resurrection of the dead and then I showed who were the sons of the men and who were the sons of God and I said that he sons of this age are those who marry and are given in marriage and the sons of the Lord ’ s age do not marry and are not given in marriage , because they cannot , since they become like angels in order to be the sons of the resurrection , coming to life from the dead of this age so that they may no longer die and that they may be of the Lord ’ s , and God is not a God of the dead but of the living , for all live in Him . Amen .
Oh , sons of the people , I am not the God of the sons of this age , for God is not a God of the dead but of the living who live in Him not into this age . I told those born of Me two thousand years ago that I would be with them to the end of the age , because those who are worthy to overcome the world , then they live like Me , not in this age . Oh , sons of the people , oh , sons of this age ! If the man loves the world , the love of the Father is not in him , and the world passes and its lust passes away as well , but he who does God ’ s will remains forever for he is from the Father . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 04-12-2003 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
… — Oh , I have always become word with the saints over the earth , people of the plan of My coming . Oh , what shall I do with the unfaithful man , sons ? I come with mercy into the man ’ s way before allowing him to see Me . I ask him to hear Me as those in the graves hear Me when I speak with you , and those in the dwelling of the dead wait for you to take them out with My word and to testify about My coming , which brings them again to life and to the redemption of their bodies . Amen . Be My tool for the wakening from the death of the man on earth . Set yourselves apart for this work of the resurrection of the creature , for this and no other is your choice and the work for which I chose you from among the sons of the people , and I made you sons of the Father with My word for the new birth of the world . Amen . I seal you by this word , and you should say amen , for My word and your word to be complete . And I will sit in council with you , sons , and we will work the word and we will fulfill it , for I , the Lord , am with My plan over the earth and I want to make the resurrection of the creature and the renewal of the world , for you are My tool . And I will give you power and word with power , which nothing and no human knowledge may stand against it , because the spirit of prophecy is working in you , and there is no greater gift among the heavenly gifts like the spirit of prophecy , sons .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the first martyr and archdeacon , Stephen , from 09-01-2004 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
My work of the word on earth is the salvation of the creature fallen from life ; it is the man ’ s coming out of the dwelling of the dead , and then My visible coming in the man ’ s eyes , for him to receive his entire nature from Me , and the whole creation to receive its life before death , which was installed on earth when the man died , for the man , made by My word and by My working hand , died ; the man made by God died .
Those who do not have hope in God are sad for their life that passes , because they either forget it or do not make much of Me , the One Who was well pleased to be born as a man on earth , to die as a man and then to be raised to life for each man who is born of man and then dies , and to bring everyone back to life , as it is written into the Scriptures about My calling ,