The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 64

Resurrection of the dead
I have facilitated the day of memorial of those who have been waiting for seven thousands years in the dust of the earth , and they stand in a row to drink of the word of the resurrection of the dead the river , which flows from God ’ s mouth , the Word , the miracle from the end of the time over the living and over the dead , over the dead and over the living , for the dead are those who hear My word , not the living ones . However , I have made My coming through those who are in their bodies , both for the living and for the dead in their bodies , and this is the judgment of those who do not believe in God ’ s works over the earth and over the man . This word is both the man ’ s judgment , and also his life , if he comes back from death to life in order that he may see afterwards . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity , the first day ( The feast of the descending of the Holy Spirit ), from 14-06-2003 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I want to raise them back into the glory , which the angels that became haughty fell from , and I want to do this by the love of man , and I want to do this by the resurrection of everyone , and then the angels will be raised from their fall from the beginning and we will rejoice over all the creation for everything will be done again , and they will become new , as it is written . I want to teach the man not to work the evil spirit in himself but rather to work My Spirit in himself , and from him over the man , and then the angels , fallen from My glory , will be judged and then they will be raised back to their places by the resurrection of the man from death .
I do not want man , that My death on the cross to be in vain , and by which I overcame your death . I do not want death to be any longer and I also do not want you to want it , for I want to take away the death from the earth , and when the death , the last enemy , will be overcome , then I , the Lord , will rest from My search after the man and I will give him My life to live it forever , as I am also forever . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity , on the second day . The feast of the birth of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 21-09-2003 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , obedient children and submitted to My power that keeps your within it so that I may come with the mysteries of the heavens on earth ! I told the Sadducees , who did not believe in the resurrection , because they asked Me about the resurrection , but they asked Me with temptation , and then I told them : « The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage », and I let this word be covered within a mystery . But now , after two thousand years , when I again I speak abundantly with power and word over the earth , for I can do this because I am God , and I speak and say that it is by this word that was declared then that I have showed who are the sons of this age . But those who overcome death in them and escape from this age , they are those who are worthy to receive the age of the resurrection from among the dead , and they do no marry and are not given in marriage , because they cannot die , since they are like angels and are the sons of God , the sons of the resurrection and are not the sons of this age . Behold a mystery that is unsealed by the One Who spoke this word two thousand years ago . I
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