The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 140

Resurrection of the dead
And then I was back on the old earth-earth as it was before the final fires that would purge it and purify it for God ' s glorious purpose . And here too was a new Jerusalem , the capital city of the millennium . And I saw people coming out of caves and from the mountains and making their way toward this city .
Here Jesus was King , and all the nations of the earth brought Him gifts and paid Him homage .
Jesus gave me the interpretation of my vision . He said , " Soon I will return and take back with Me to heaven , first the righteous dead , then after them those that are alive and remain will be caught up to be with Me in the air . Following that , the Antichrist will reign upon the earth for an appointed time , and there will be tribulations such as have never been before , nor will ever be again ".
" And then I will return with My saints , and satan will be cast into the bottomless pit , where he will remain for a thousand years . During that thousand years I will reign over the earth from Jerusalem . When the millennium is past , satan will be released for a season , and I will defeat him by the brightness of My coming . The old earth will pass away ".
" Behold , there shall be a new earth and a New Jerusalem coming down upon it-and I will reign forever and ever ."
( Chapter 20 of „ A Divine Revelation of Hell ” by Mary K Baxter )