Resurrection of the dead
An angel met us and said to me , " See the goodness and kindness of the Lord your God . His mercy endures forever ." There was such a strong sense of love and tenderness about the angel that I was about to weep when he spoke again , " Behold the power and might and majesty of God . Let me show you the place He has created for the children ."
All at once there was a large planet looming before us , a planet as large as the earth . And then I heard the voice of the Father saying , " The Father , the Son and the Holy Ghost are all one . The Father and the Son are one , and the Father and the Holy Ghost are one . I sent My Son to die on a cross so that no one needed to be lost .
" But ," He said with a smile , " I was about to show you the place I made for My children . I care greatly about all children . I care when a mother loses a child , even as the fruit of your womb , My child , was cast before its time . You see , I know all things , and I care .
" From the time there is life in the womb , I know . I know about the babies that are murdered while they are still in their mother ' s bodies-the aborted lives that are cast off and unwanted . I know about the stillborn and those children who are born with crippling defects . From the time of conception , that is a soul .
" My angels go down and bring the children to Me when they die . I have a place where they can grow , learn and be loved . I give them whole bodies and restore whatever parts they are missing . I give them glorified bodies ."
Allover the planet there was a feeling of being loved , a sense of perfect well-being . Everything was perfect . Here and there amid the lush green grass and the pools of crystal clear water were playgrounds with marble seats and highly polished wooden benches to sit on .
And there were children . Everywhere one looked , there were children going about all kinds of activities . Each child wore a spotless white robe and sandals . The white robes were so bright they glistened in the magnificent light on the planet . A profusion of color everywhere accented the whiteness of the children ' s robes . Angels were the keepers of the gates , and the children ' s names were all written in a book .
I saw children learning the Word of God and being taught music from a golden book . I was surprised to see animals of all sorts coming up to the children or sitting beside them while they were in this angelic school .
There were no tears and no sorrow . Everything was supremely beautiful , and joy and happiness were everywhere .
Then the angel showed me another planet which glowed like a great light before me . The light shone with the radiance of a million stars , and everything on the planet was beautiful and alive .
In the distance I saw two mountains made of pure gold , while closer to me were two golden gates embedded with diamonds and other precious stones . I knew that this was the new earth and that the city which lay in splendor before me was
the New Jerusalem-the city of God come down to earth .