The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 135

Resurrection of the dead
Open Visions from Hell
The Lord said , " This vision is for the future , and it will come to pass . But I shall return to redeem My bride , My church , and they shall not see it . Awaken , o My people I Sound the alarm to the comers of the earth , for I shall return as My Word has spoken ."
I beheld the fiery serpent that was in the right arm of Hell . Jesus said , " Come , see what the Spirit is saying to the world ."
I saw the horns of the fiery serpent as they entered the bodies of people on earth . Many were completely possessed by the serpent . As I watched , I saw a huge beast arise in a large place and turn into a man . The inhabitants of the earth ran from him , some into the wilderness , some into caves , and some into subway stations and bomb shelters . They sought any shelter to hide from the eyes of the beast . No one was praising God or talking about Jesus .
A voice said to me , " Where are My people ?"
I looked closer and saw people like dead men walking . There was a desperate sadness in the air , and no one turned to the right or left . I saw that the people were being led about by some unseen force . Now and then a voice spoke to them out of the air , and they obeyed the voice . They did not talk to one another . I saw too that the number " 666 " was written on each one ' s forehead and on his hands . I saw soldiers on horses herding the people about as though they were cattle .
The American flag , tattered and torn , lay forlornly on the ground . There was no joy , no laughter , no happiness . I saw death and evil everywhere .
The people walked one behind another into a large department store . They kept in step like discouraged soldiers and were dressed identically in a type of prison garb . A fence surrounded the store , and guards were stationed here and there . Everywhere I looked , I saw soldiers in battle-dress uniforms .
I saw these zombie-like people herded into the store , where they were able to buy only the barest necessities . As each completed his purchases , he was placed aboard a large green army truck . The truck , well-guarded , was then driven to another area .
Here , in a type of clinic , these people were examined for communicable diseases or crippling handicaps . A small number of them were shuffled to the side as rejects .
Soon , those who failed the examination were taken to another room . In that room , an impressive array of switches , buttons and gages lined an entire wall . A door opened , and several technicians came in . One of them began to call the names of the people in the room . Without a struggle , they arose when their names were called and marched into a large box . When they were inside , another technician closed the door and pulled a switch in a panel on the wall .