Resurrection of the dead
through washing , likewise the drops of blood and sweat shed under sad circumstances and many another thing the body has shed in the course of time . Now imagine a human form revived with all this on Judgment Day , - how ridiculous it would look !
Man at different times has a different body . For instance , the body of an infant is different from the body of a boy , that of a youth is again different , that of a man is different and , again , that of an old man is completely different . Well , assuming that the human bodies will be completely revived on some Judgment Day , the question must arise whether all the physical forms from childhood to old age collectively , or one after another , or even one only , shall be revived .
Another important question arises , namely : With the Romans and Greeks , the Egyptians and many other nations of this earth the corpses are burnt until they are reduced to ashes . In other places they are cast into the sea , devoured by sea monsters and so become part of their bodies . Once such a sea monster dies , it is in turn eaten by other animals of the sea . What is supposed to be revived of these bodies on Judgment Day ? Through burning the greatest part of the body has been reduced to smoke and vapour and has been united with the air , and the flesh of the bodies cast into the sea has , with everything else , become part of the sea creature and has , therefore , passed into a wholly different being . Who , then , is supposed to sort out and reassemble the formerly human body-constituents from the innumerable animal bodies , from the water , the air , the minerals and the plants and worms ?
Even granted God could do this , the question still remains how this would benefit a free soul . Truly , every soul once relieved of its heavy body would be extremely unhappy if it had again to enter a heavy body — and this for all eternity !
Besides , this would be forever irreconcilable with the eternal order of God , because God Himself is a pure Spirit and men are also exclusively destined to finally become godlike pure spirits forever . What shall the bodies then benefit them ?
Yes , men will also have bodies there , yet not physical , coarse , material ones but completely new , spiritual bodies arising from the good works they have done here on earth in compliance with My teaching now given you . (« There are also heavenly 61 bodies , and earthly 62 bodies ; but the glory of the heavenly differs from that of the earthly .» ( Corinthians 1 : 15 / 40 .) « It is sown as a natural body ; it is raised a spiritual body . There is a natural body just as there is a spiritual body .» ( Corinthians 1 : 15 / 44 .) « For this reason , the Good News was preached even to the dead , 63 so that they might in the flesh undergo the judgment that faces all human beings but [ then ] live in the spirit as to God . 64 » ( Peter 1 : 4 / 6 .))
If this is so , how can anyone think that by the resurrection of the flesh the future restoration to life of these material bodies is to be understood ? The resurrection of the flesh are only the soul ' s good works for the benefit of the fellowmen while in this flesh , which alone give the soul true , eternal life .
Therefore , whoever listens to My teaching , believes in Me and acts accordingly , him I shall Myself raise on his Judgment Day , which occurs immediately after the soul ' s exit from this body . The time of transformation will be so short that no one will notice it , for the transformation will take place swiftly and instantly .
I now think that also this matter should be quite clear to you . If anybody still has a question or has some doubt , he should speak !”
From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 6 , chapter 54 . realm .
Or “ celestial ”
Or “ terrestrial ”
It is unclear whether these are physically or spiritually dead individuals .
Or more literally “ live as God does in spirit ” where spirit seems to be used as a reference to the spiritual