The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the | Page 3

The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool , the man deified
and they will not be able to jump over into the glorified citadel of the heavenly table . God wants to set again the Eden on the earth and behold , the Lord arises to make new heavens and new earth where righteousness , peace and heavenly love will dwell . The Lord wants to make the Christian into His Eden , as it was in the beginning of the ages , for the Christian is God ’ s earth and the Christian ’ s heart is God ’ s heaven . Behold , the time of the cleansing of God ’ s earth has come for the Lord may make it His footstool , and from the heaven of the heart of His children to make his throne of rest and reign , well children , for the Lord is the Master and the King of the heaven and the earth . Behold , the time comes for you to let yourselves be worked so that it may be fulfilled that Scriptures which says : « God ’ s kingdom is in your hearts ». ( Luke : 17 / 21 ) Amen .
My beloved ones , I have come to you to tell you the life and the living with which you have to be found on duty during the days that come , for I want to set the Christian into the Eden from the beginning . I want the today ’ s Christian to be like those in the beginning , before they touched and tasted of the forbidden fruit tree , for I want to be again Eden and life without death , and I want to put the tree of life into the midst of it and to be a heavenly state and eternal joy .
Excerpt from the Lord ’ s trumpet sounding and of the saint Virginia over the Christians in the town of Viişoara , from 24-01-1991 .
Peace and blessing and a spirit of joy with the heaven , for the heaven is a guest here . This is a day of testimony . Glory and joy in those above , and celebration of peace from God upon you , for you are witnesses on this day , in this blessed and clean place . There are angelic choruses here and they sing : « Glory to the Holy and to the One of a single being and life of the creating and inseparable Trinity from now on to eternity !». Amen .
Blessed be the kingdom of the Most Holy Trinity , of My Father and of His Son and of the Holy Spirit , threefold working .
Peace to you ! I am here . I am the Word for the Word is God . I am the Alpha and the Omega ; I am the beginning and the end . I am the new beginning of those that believe in Me , for I come with a visible glory upon Romania . It is written that I will come again , and here , I work by the word and I announce My kingdom . The heaven is My throne , and the earth is My footstool . The heart of My believers is My heaven and the clean and undefiled body is God ’ s bedding , and behold , I am worn by those that are Mine , and I am with the word through them , for this is God ; He is through the prophets ; He is through the bearers of God . My word works in this place and all are worked out by the word of God during these days , for there come the days of heavenly glory and the days that the prophets of all times wrote about . Romania is the country of the brightness which will appear from God upon the peoples , for this is its choice and it will wear a name of a New Jerusalem and of an Eden , blessed among the nations . I , the Lord , proclaimed this mystery by the prophets and I fulfill nothing without announcing it beforehand . ( See the selection topic : „ Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan 2 ”, r . n .)
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