The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the | Page 2

The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool , the man deified
God does not have saints on earth anymore , My loved ones , for all are subjected to the sin , lust and belly and to the spirit of the world , and behold that this is written in the Scriptures as well , that fellowship with the world is separation from God , and it also writes that the Lord is a jealous God , Who wants us only for Himself . And behold , the world is dead , all dead , dead for lack of wisdom and for lack of God ’ s fear , for God is wisdom , and the beginning of the wisdom is fear of God and this is no longer found in the heart of Israel of today . Israel of today serves the law of belly , the law of sin , and God has no more saints on earth . The earth is full of idols , and the Lord has no more saints to worship him according to the truth . Well , My loved ones , God ’ s earth is the Christian , and God ’ s heaven is the heart of the Christian . Behold the house and behold the temple that My Christian has to build , so that I may dwell in this house and find faith , peace , life and love in it ; love , but love of God .
Behold the voice of God ! Turn your faces to your parents and to the saints who have worked the commandments of holiness and of the eternal life . Flee from slavery , and who is a slave of the sin , let him stand up and do justice towards God . Remember how I was , My loved ones , for that is why I took up a body , so that I might strengthen your faith as you can be gods even in your bodies . The glory which is about to come and reveal even from now could reached to the human mind by now , but it is written about it in all Scripture . The people of the New Jerusalem will be a heavenly people , with heavenly bodies , and that is why it is written in the Scriptures that Israel has been sighing in his spirit to this day for the redemption of the body . Behold , the body and the heart of those from these days have to turn into a new heaven and new earth and living stones at the New Jerusalem foundation which the Lord will come soon with to the surface and which the far away peoples will flow to so that they may see the glory of the New Jerusalem . The time of the second appearance is coming ; My time is coming , My loved ones , but no one understands and no one believes anymore . But they who pierced Me will believe because they will see it , My loved ones .
Excerpt from the Word of God upon the apocalyptic trumpets : the priest Ioan and the nun Veronica from Vladimireşti , from 16-01-1991 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on jumpshare ; on Google Drive )
I want to come with the good time , I want to set the Eden on the Romanian land , and from it to extend My tent all over the earth after that , for the earth was created by God . I want , My child , to make a new earth and a new heaven , for the Christian is the earth of My footstool , and the heart of the Christian is the heaven of My throne , and I am the King of this kingdom .
I want to make the beginning of new heaven and new earth from My children . I want to set the Eden from the beginning upon them , before the time when man fell in disobedience . I want to create an angelic state on the earth and behold , I am working and I am making new heavens and new earth . Amen .
Soon , this mountain will be raised over the tops of the mountains and the saved nations will flow to it .
Excerpt from the Word of God to the priest Ieronim ( Hieronymus ), from 21-01-1991 . ***
Behold , My loved ones , the time has come when those who sit at this table will take on the garment with which they can enter and sit at the table with God , for Jesus Christ is the door ,