The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 38

He comes with the clouds
your protection from Me , learn to love Me and to believe Me , for he who has faith in My works upon man is great , and everything is possible to the one who has faith , because the Lord can work for him . Amen .
I am into your midst with My mother , the Virgin , My people and we are accompanied by saints , prophets and apostles , and these watch and feed you on My word , and we are carried on the clouds by cherubim , for this is how My coming with the saints is prophesied , and My glory from the end of the time is great , for it is at the end , and the end prepares the beginning and the life of the age that is to be on earth after the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead is fulfilled . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Cover of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 14- 10-2008 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
The heaven is opening and the word of God is coming down on earth . Those that are not seen by human eyes come down among those that have been seen even from their making , for God made the heaven and the earth , the visible and invisible things .
The Lord comes down on earth as word , accompanied by heavenly hosts , those that are without body , because it is the feast of His angels . Amen . I , the Lord , announce Myself at the gates in heaven above and on the earth beneath . I open the heaven when I announce Myself with My descent , and I announce Myself in heaven to the angels when I descend , for I have the angels as My servants , and , again , I announce Myself on earth to those who stay for Me as the gates set by Me for My coming as word , for I have them as My servants . Amen . I have the seraphim near Me , those with six wings , loving of God , and they are in the image of fire , for it is written : « The garment of His glory is like fire ». Oh , you who have come together at My spring of word for the feast of angels , pray to the seraphim to kindle you , to warm you and to give a godly nature to your love . Amen . Then I also have cherubim before Me , those with many eyes , out of which understanding and wisdom is poured out for the spiritual eyes , to give them the sight of God ’ s knowledge and of the mysteries from above . Oh , pray to the cherubim to illuminate your souls with the spirit of the knowledge from above . Amen . God ’ s carriers , that is the thrones , this is how they are called , because I rest in them as it is written : « You , God Who make justice , sit on Your throne ». Oh , you who rule and reign upon people , pray to God ’ s carriers , to the thrones , which give rest to God , to give you the spirit of the right judgment . Amen . The dominions , the powers and the principalities come in a row in My heavenly glory , and these rule over the angels from below who give people the power of reign and of the wise stewardship over those entrusted to them , hosts of people , and then the powers which help the people in all their work , giving them greatness of soul in troubles and submissions , and the principalities have power over the devilish spirits , protecting the people and helping them for the kingdom of the heavens , which is earned by the victory against lusts and their hostile thoughts . Then there come in a row , the beginner spirits , the archangels and angels . The beginner spirits ordain the angels from below for services commanded by God over nations and lands , raising the worthy ones among people on positions of honor and exhorting them to praise God and not to look after their own benefits . The archangels are those who announce God ’ s mysteries , the prophecies and the Lord ’ s will , to increase in people their faith and understanding , and the angels , those who are close to the people , protect the people and protect them from falling and they raise them when the fall , and behold , this is the angels ’ ministering , receiving service from one another . Amen .