As lightning that comes out from the east , so is the Lord ’ s coming
Twelve years have passed since I , The Lord , and with you and My bishop chosen by the world church ( Pop Irineu-Bistriţeanul , r . n .) drove the stake of My kingdom , the seen one , on earth , and we settled the shrine of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem , My judging throne , in the middle of the Romanian land , the white stone on which I have written : The Word Of God , ( Apoc : 19 / 13 , r . n .), stone that was neglected by the builders , but for you it has great value , as you were faithful . And if twelve years passed , I rise Myself and call at this mountain the twelve tribes of Jacob and I give them this omen and I announce them My glory and My hand will show itself to My servants and the wrath to My enemies . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „
The sign of the Son of Man 13 ”, r . n .)
I drummed from margins to margins My advent , the advent of The Son Of Man , because two thousand years ago I said : « Like the lightning that comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset , thus the advent of The Son Of Man will be », and today this Scripture has fulfilled , as the news about the kingdom of heaven travels as fast as the lightning and this news calls all the people under its vine and fig tree , because two thousand years ago I said : « The Son of Man will come with power and much glory on the clouds of the sky and He will send His angels with a great trumpet sound and they will gather the chosen ones for Him from the four winds , from the margins of the sky to the other margins , and then from two men working the land , one will be taken and the other one will be left , and from two women grinding at the mill , one will be taken and the other one will be left , and at the time they will not think about , The Son of Man will come », and The Lord will fulfill His word above the Earth . Amen .
It was written about this day in heaven and earth , the day of the celebration of the great prophet Elijah , whom I took in heavens with chariot and horses of fire to keep him for the day of My advent which is like lightning . ( See the selection topic : „
Enoch and Elijah 14 ”, r . n .) I made him the angel of the lightning of My advent , the forerunner of the glory of My word , which comes with the clouds and it is like thunder , which lightens first , from the sunrise to sunset , and then His voice is heard . I go with him from the margins of the sky to the other margins and I announce Myself in this day above all the Earth . Amen . Let the nations hear and see and let them rejoice and believe in My advent , rejoicing about it , and let them drink from the river of life , which is a gift for the one who is thirsty for My advent , for My word that flows from the New Jerusalem . Amen . The New Jerusalem is the mystery of My advent . This means the New Jerusalem . The New Jerusalem is God and His sons , the chosen ones from the