As lightning that comes out from the east , so is the Lord ’ s coming
Blessed be this day and its work , for today I unfold the heavens to let the judgment throne be seen , ( See the selection topic : „
The fearful judgment 12 ”, r . n .) My word that gather all the nations of the earth in front of Me , to show them My work , My second advent , My mysterious kingdom above My disciples in the middle of the Romanian people , because the Romanian land has been chosen from the beginning to fulfill on it the mystery of The New Jerusalem , the mystery kept into Father for the new creation of the world , for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of a new heaven and a new earth , the mystery of the advent of The Son Of Man after seven centuries from the first creation of the world . Amen . Behold , I come and I write on earth and heaven , a new earth and a new heaven , on the Romanian land , for I have said through prophets : « Once more I will shake the earth , once more I will chose Jerusalem ». Amen . Jerusalem is My place of rest . Jerusalem is the mystery of My advent . This means Jerusalem , like this mystery meant two thousand years ago .
I speak word above the Israel with body , for the sons of Jacob , after their tribes , for the time of the bounty has come for them , too . I remind them My word through the prophets which says : « Who will be able to endure the day of His advent ? Who will be able to hold on when He shows Himself ? For He is like the fire of the smelter and like the bleach of the bleacher and He will sit to enlighten and to clean Jacob ’ s sons , and He will enlighten them like the gold and the silver , for them to bring sacrifices to God into justice ». I remind them and tell them : « I am The Lord and I have not changed , and you have not ceased to be Jacob ’ s sons . Since the days of your parents you have departed from My commands and you have not obeyed them . Turn back , turn back to Me , and I will turn back to you . Turn back and you will see that at your wish I will open the dams of heavens and I will give you a lot of blessing for your own good , and I will have mercy for you like a man has mercy for his sons who serve him , and then you will see the difference between the right one and the sinner , between the one who serves God and the one who does not , for behold , the burning like furnace day is coming and the ones who make crimes will be like straws , and for the ones who fear My name ( Jesus Christ , r . n .) the sun of justice will rise , and they will step over the evil ones the day I will make judgment . Remember the law of Moses , My servant , to whom I gave commands and laws for you in the Sinai mountain . And behold , I send you Elijah the prophet », as it is written in the Scriptures . Amen , amen .
And you , Romanian Jerusalem , bless the Gospel of My advent on the earth , because the ones who announce well will have reward at the prophets . Walk , Jerusalem , and your walking , which well-announces My second advent and My kingdom with you , let your walking go like the lightning that comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset , as it is written about the advent of The Son Of Man with power and much glory , with his word above you , Romanian Jerusalem , new Jerusalem , nation of sons faithful to the scriptures of My advent . The prophet Elijah is with your spirit Romanian Israel , child of the vow made by Me over Abraham . May your spirit be in his spirit , as his spirit is My Spirit , to announce the advent of The Son Of Man , My advent and My meal with you on earth , and we will celebrate the wake of the fiftieth descent of My word , the wake of My glory and of the Holy Spirit , which is in Father and in Me and in you , new Jerusalem .