The Winchelsea Star 07-Nov-13 Vol36-Ed39 | Page 3

Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 The Winchelsea Star 3 NHW Good Neighbour School’s Day. Helen Verity Co-ordinator, Winchelsea NHW SFC01. Despite less than perfect weather (it rained heavily throughout!) our annual School’s Day was held in the LTC on Monday 28th October. This terrific, award winning and (we believe) unique event was initiated close to 20 years ago by Sgt Dennis Drew (Birregurra, now retired) and our late Sgt John Rowley, as an opportunity for police to be seen and interact with primary school students in a relaxed, entertaining and fun way. Given the continued success of the day, we consider that it was an inspired idea. By making junior and senior Good Neighbour Awards, the idea of being a good neighbour and the principles which underpin the NHW / Safer Communities organisation are highlighted. This year, 10 district schools were invited to participate, but unfortunately, for a range of reasons, only 5 were able to attend: being Anglesea (P-G4), Deans Marsh (all!) Forrest (all!), Moriac (G3-6) and Winchelsea (all!): altogether, over 400 kids plus staff, some parents and interested folk. This Year’s Awards Our very special and prestigious Sgt John Rowley Junior Good Citizen award was this year presented for it’s third year by Mrs Deb Rowley to Alex Johns for his outstanding ‘good citizenship’ at Winchelsea school. The Junior Good Neighbour awards for each participating school were: Anglesea – Patrick Gray Deans Marsh – Matt Stevens Forrest – Andrew Evans Moriac – Jackson Viney Winchelsea – Oliver Stones Each of these students received a ‘Constable T Bear’ (soft toy), Bendigo Bank account voucher, framed certificate and ‘showbag’ of goodies. The 2013 (senior) Good Neighbour Award went to Leslie Hunter, whose nominator outlined the outstanding contribution he makes to the lives of others: “….his caring for elderly residents in Winch goes above and beyond anything I’ve known; his caring enables them to stay in their own homes; he takes them shopping …. to doctor’s appointments in Winch and Geelong, does their banking, pays bills for them, and cooks breakfast weekends for one elderly lady. His community service includes being an office bearer and member in several service clubs, assisting with activities and participants safety, and gardening for older folk.” A very worthy recipient of the award. The event is organized and co-ordinated by Winch NHW and Police with input from NHW District Co-ordinator Rhonda Rotherham, and Torquay Police. Apologies for the day came from Superintendent Paul Pottage (Geelong), R Rotherham and Surf Coast Shire. That our own Sgt Gleeson did so much of the organization and was MC for the day, ably assisted by LSCs Hills, Paliaga and Smith, is greatly appreciated, as is the time and energy from other local folk who invariably ‘step up’ when needed. Our local NHW members also did a great job with the setting / cleaning up, morning tea provision, etc. Thanks also to ‘Sgt Pete’ (LSC Andrew King - Geelong), ‘Const. T Bear’ (retired Police officer) and the young man as ‘Waddles’ the platypus who roamed the hall and engaged the kids! We are very appreciative of the CFA, SES and Police who again placed vehicles for the kids to ‘inspect’ during the break – which didn’t happen due to r Z[?H?]?H?[?\?]???YY?HH?T???B?Y?Z[??[??\?H??\???H\??H???[??\??X]H\?X?X]Y ??\?B???[?H?H?]?]?\?[Y\??[??B??\??X?\??\?]?[???[??\[??]?]?\???[?\??\????????XX?YX\?\??\???[?[??X[H[?8?&[??[?8?&N??H?[??[?XH??[][?]H?[???[????[?Y???[?? ?\??[??B??[?^\?\??\?[?]\?[K?]B??&???Y???&H ?X?X[[????Z?H???\?H[??]H?[??X???[???X?\????XX??[?[?????ZY???\?]?\???[??\???[H??X???HX?H?\???[ [???\?Q?H?\\?X\??]?????[??[HJN??[??[???X????[?]\?HZY[?H[X?[?\?[??????[? 8?&??X?X[??&H[??\?][?Y\??]??H?]?8?&?X???Y???&N??\??[?[???]^?[???Y???\?[??[]??????\?Y\???[?]\?HZY[?X?[??B??[??[?]Z\?8?&\?\X\?[??H ?X?[]]Y?B???\?YJH[?8?&?Y\??&B?[?\?Z[?Y[?\?YX\??\?^[?Y??[??YH?][YHZ[\?H[???X???\\?Y?[??[?]Z\????]?\? ????]?HHY?[H[?\?Z[?[???\?[?][??][X?YY??]]?B?]?[??Y\??Y?\???\??\]YY[??B?[?[?? ??JK????Y?H8?'^??[??[?HXY?X?X[??'H????[?YY?[??[?\?[?]\?Z[? X????[????[?[?[\?[??B?H?X?H????[?[?????\???]?X]]\?X?[?[?\?X?[??]?H?Y???[??[????Y?]?H[??[??[??[?\?[?[??]\??\??[??\?]\?X?X[??[??]Z\???XY?Y\?[?H?\??X?B??[??\?H??H\?[?Y\?HY?B?\?\?[?Y[???[H[?Z\??[?\?X\?X?[H\?X?X]]?H]YY[??\?]??\?????8?&\?^H??[\?HYX\??B??H???YH??\?\??Y?X?^K???H[????[?YHH?Y][???????8?&\?^K[?[???\?Y?H??H???YH]\?H???[H]?[????Y???YH???\?[?[\??Y\]?\[?[??[??H?]\?HB?X?\?YY????H????[??[?]Z\??][YHZ[\???\?[?\? ?[?[?H????ZY???\??]?\??X?\Y[? ??\?H ??^[?H?????][^ ?? L?????^H]?\??[??\???&?Y\??&H[?8?&??]x?&H?]?????ZY???\? ???]?\??[??\???