W 48 Dick Phillips 127 Richard Road Aston , Pa . 19014 610-497-3878 Dickp127 @ verizon . net
As I begin my notes , we have been having a cold snap and I for one cannot wait for warmer weather . These old bones prefer warm weather .
9 / 24 / 21 Called Don Zimmerman . They are in good spirits , but Kat has pain when she tries to stand . The pain goes away after she stands . It is also difficult to turn her head , but the doctor said that should get better . She will have many more months before full recovery . Please say a few prayers for them ; they have had some tough times the last few years .
10 / 9 / 21 Called Al Whalen . He uses a walker , lives alone , but has a caretaker come in once in awhile . Al has two daughters nearby that come to see him , but his other children live a distance away . Al has rods in his back and manages to get around with a walker . I vividly remember Al from our cross country runs . All I ever saw was his rear end ; I could never catch him . He always placed # 1 . He even broke several course records . I might be able to beat him now since he uses a walker and I use a cane , but don ’ t bet on it .
10 / 23 / 21 Called Walter Mensch . He was glad to get my call . He is still at Saratoga Court and doing pretty well . He gets some group exercise and walks alot .
11 / 15 / 21 Kat Zimmerman called . She said Jo Cressman called to get my phone number and told me to call Jo . Kat also told me that Barb Pusey was involved in a bad accident and she wanted me to call her .
11 / 15 / 21 I called Jo Cressman and she told me that Norman Cressman passed away on Nov . 6 . He was 92 . They were married for 71 years . Norm had gotten something like Parkinson ’ s Disease . I told Jo how sorry I was to hear about Norm ’ s passing . We have lost another member of the great 4W8 class . Jo , when you get settled , please give me a call and stay connected .
11 / 15 / 21 Called Barb Pusey and she told me that while driving home from dinner in a car with friends on Oct . 8 , a truck ran through a red light and hit their car . The driver of their car was killed and Barb has a broken left arm and wrist and a broken femur of the left leg . She is in the assisted living section at Crosslands . Barb ’ s phone number is 610-733-6274 .
11 / 16 / 21 Went to visit Barb Pusey . She is recuperating in the health center skilled care unit at Crosslands . She has plates in her left arm and her left femur and is getting around with a walker .
She is in good spirits and we had a very enjoyable visit . Barb has two daughters and one son who lives in Utah .
12 / 23 / 2 Don Zimmerman called . He had been treated for bladder cancer . Kat has made some progress , but says that she has about four months to go until full recovery . Hang in there Kat , I ’ m praying for you .
1 / 25 / 22 Called Carl Vairo and asked him if he had any news about Bob Rupert . He did some checking and found that Rupert had passed away in May of 2021 . Well , we lost another good member of the 4W8 class . This leaves us with four living members .
1 / 25 / 22 Called Walter Mensch to tell him about Rupert . He was sorry to hear about Rupert and had not heard from him for some time . Walt is doing good and still walking for exercise . Good job , Walt !
1 / 25 / 22 Called Don Zimmerman . He thinks his bladder cancer will be OK . He is waiting for test results to confirm and is doing OK with his walker . Kat still has some pain but is doing a little bit better . She got a lift chair which is a big help .
2 / 2 / 22 Called Al Whalen . He is doing pretty well with his walker and says his daughters spoil him rotten . Good for you , girls ! Both # 1 and # 2 cross country runners are still here . We have been blessed . Remember the good times , Al .
2 / 21 / 22 Enough for now . Stay safe and keep in touch . It ’ s later than you think . Above all , be good to each other !
Dick 4W8
W 49 Will “ Pills ” Eastlack 111 Dock Drive Lansdale , PA 19446-6230 215-362-3278 eastwill87 @ gmail . com
2-22-2022 Talked with Ted Moyer . He is doing great . He has a slight condition of arthritis , but it doesn ’ t slow him down . He just spent some time working on his roof . Ted has had a house up in the mountains for years and he gave it to his grandchildren . Years ago , a gas company drilled a gas line near his property and drilled horizontal across into his property and he has been receiving a nice monthly check from them since .
2 / 23 / 2022 Talked with Amby Malenke . He had a stroke on right side , but in the brain it is the left side of the brain . It seems like the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body . A care giver comes and they go for a walk . The care giver walks and Amby rides in an electric chair . Amby gets some exercise by using a walker in the house . Amby had a tooth pulled with Novocaine . After the tooth was pulled , he had severe tooth ache . He went to a hospital and
was there for two days and two nights . He suffered with this pain for two years and went to a new dentist and discovered he had a piece of broken file in his gum . Had it removed and felt good again .
I looked up Novocaine . What is Novocaine ? Warnings : Since there will be decreased sensation of the area where Novocaine is injected , use caution to avoid injury to the area during and following treatment . Before using Novocaine , talk to your healthcare provider if you have liver problems ; bleeding , blood thinners , or blood clotting problems ; heart problems ; or other serious medical conditions .
2-23-2022 Talked with Nina Ferguson . She is doing well except she becomes very bored . When the weather is nice takes walks and takes walks to the Walmart store . Passes time reading . She is allowed visitors , but not in the restaurants . They have entertainment groups come in , different types of bands , singers , and speakers . They have a bus that takes them shopping and to entertainment . Like most of us , she is tired of wearing these masks .
2-25-2022 Talked with Mary Petree . She is doing fine except for her leg , so she uses a rollator ( a rollator is a 4-wheel walker ) and now she is disappointed because she is no longer allowed to drive her car . Her son Jeffery is taking care of her money and her son Steven the business . Mary has two grandchildren , Jessica and Joe . Mary had to leave , someone arrived to take her to the doctor ’ s for her arthritic leg . Will Eastlack : I fell approximately nine weeks ago in my apartment and broke three ribs and bruised my side around to the back which covered an area of one square foot . It was totally black in color . Also , cut my leg in the front between my ankle and knee . Everything is cured and I ’ m doing fine except for the cut in my leg . It is still bleeding and a nurse has been coming every Monday , Wednesday , and Friday to wash it with Bactine wound wash and cover it with a 5 1 / 2 x 5 1 / 2 Band-aid border foam band aid which is water proof , so I ’ m able to shower . Also a physical therapist has been coming for three weeks to teach me exercises .
W 52 Ray Unger 12 Halsey Place Gouldsboro PA , 18424-8185 570-842-2449 k3fur @ ptd . net
5W2 Classmates , I received the following letter from
Muriel " Mibby " Wetzel , wife of Tom . Dear Mr . Unger ,
As per your request , I , Muriel Wetzel , wife of Thomas Wetzel for 69 years , am going to try to bring you and other 5W2 classmates up to date on Tom .
We have had a great life after Williamson . Tom went to work for several contractors . He then started his own construction company . After a few years , our church asked him and I if we would be willing to move to Maryland to operate a church camp and , in the process , work to restore the property and improve it in the process . At this point , our four daughters were in college or married , so we were free to do that .
Both of us were also quite involved in the missions work of our church . We had been volunteering in helping some of our small churches in the U . S . Our plan , which we felt was God ' s plan for us , would allow us to work on the camp nine months of the year and then take teams overseas to build churches with Compassion Ministry Centers and other mission centers . Altogether , we took 24 teams over the years .
We retired 21 years ago and built our retirement home , planning to be near the camp and help out when we could . Three years later , the camp was sold so we have spent time helping our local church and wonderful married daughters and their families .
About five years ago , Tom was found to have dementia . He is still a very sweet guy with a great sense of humor . Tom had no sons to encourage to go to Willy Tech , however , he did encourage five very successful young men to go there and they graduated and have very good jobs .
Tom also taught our girls to do a lot of skills . He is 89 now and will be 90 the 12th of October , Lord willing . God has blessed us so much and we are very grateful to have been trusted with His work . We have four daughters , 11 grandchildren , and 30 great-grandchildren .
Here is our address if you wish to send a card or note to Tom and Mibby : Tom and Muriel Wetzel , 246 North East Road , North East , MD , 21901 . Phone 410-287-6207 . Blessings , Muriel “ Mibby ” ( the name the guys in your class gave me ).
W 54 H . Ronald Richardson 178 Maple Ave . Southampton , PA 18966 215-355-2984 colorronr @ msn . com
Hi Folks :
Time for another issue of gossip and info from Rep Ron . Two years now into the COVID stuff and life is still somewhat a mess . As I write these notes , the