The Wholehearted Kitchen | Page 2

Over 2,300 years ago , Hippocrates , the father of modern medicine , said “ Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food ,” recognizing the importance of putting quality food into our bodies . Of course , there were no fast food restaurants or “ instant ” foods in a box back then to distract us from whole foods ( unprocessed foods ). Today we have access to more food , yet some would argue we are unhealthier because of it .
Chris Wyatt , lead chef at the Renown Healthy Heart Program , created this seven day meal plan to encourage a wide variety of whole , nutritious , heart-healthy food focusing on fruits and vegetables . He says , “ Don ’ t let this be a short term diet , make it a long-term lifestyle change .”
This meal plan includes one Pritikin Kitchen recipe used in the Pritikin ICR TM ( Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation ) program offered through the Renown Healthy Heart Program , the only one on the West Coast . The three pillars include : safe , effective exercises , healthy eating and a healthy mindset .
We hope this week of preparing and eating a variety of delicious and nutritious food inspires you to commit to a healthy lifestyle — starting in the kitchen .
Here ’ s to a happy and healthy year . BON APPÉTIT !