The White Report | June 2023 | Page 53


Interviewed by Head of Organisational Development Natalie Hortz , Emily Sim , CEO of Property Management for our group is celebrating her 30th year in the real estate industry . Providing a snapshot of her lengthy career ; Emily started as a humble property management assistant , moved her way into leadership roles , became an Elite-level selling principal of a top franchise , and became CEO of Ray White ’ s Property Management division . The conversation was nothing short of inspiring , and when asked why she is still here after all this time , 30 years later , Emily said that there is absolute purpose in what she is doing .

Our favourite takeaways :

• “ The best advice I have ever received is to always move forward . Sometimes opportunities disguise themselves as chores , or jobs or problems . Nothing arrives on a silver platter ; I have always created the opportunities in my life from problems .”
• To become a successful agent , Emily did literally everything that her training and mentors taught her to do . “ It made me realise that property managers are actually highly skilled selling agents too ; the skills are so transferable .”
• “ I have tweaked a few things in my life to keep the happiness . I have taken up horse riding again , and really make the time for it . The pandemic affected property managers in a very unique way . Being remote and out in wide open spaces helps my mental health . When I can , I spend a lot of time ‘ unplugged ’ off my phone and off social media .”