Artist Dotty in a Clowndemic Mission : The Tat Modern
But who is Lieutenant Landfill ?? Dotty , what on earth is going on ?
Size 15 clown shoes on , guzzle coffee . Head to Temple Gardens , corner of Windlesham Gardens . Dot over fading owl , artist unknown . Skidaddle for more coffee at the Dials . Retrieve abandoned space age vacuum cleaner on Clifton Hill . Take to art studio in Powis Square , paint green and dot with vigour . Reposition next to dotty wall at Temple Gardens . Head to Greek cafe at Dials roundabout for cake . Retrieve abandoned microwave and old tea set at Montpelier Cresent , hide under a tree , for journey back to art studio . On return to studio , spot an old silver gas heater and viaduct pipes in a skip on Goldsmid Road .
Situation critical , empty a surf bag at Goldsmid Road and collect outstanding items . Drag back along Dyke Road , trying to look inconspicuous . Once in studio , layout in military fashion , spray , acrylic tubes , circular stencils , half empty tins . Kettle on , paint brush poised , prepare new finds to create robots for Temple Gardens in art studio .
Fast forward few days later , head down to my newest and proudest outdoor dotty art . Local neighbour runs out , your vacuum cleaner has been stolen . Slightly perturbed , I ponder this action whilst flicking vinyl ’ s in a cafe on Chatham Place , at which point , I noticed , directly opposite an armless mutant mannequin . Not wanting to be accused of committing a heinous crime , I carried said find , under my arm and took the dials back streets back to art studio HQ .
Almost there , my mind whirring the same sentence , don ’ t find anything else , don ’ t find anything else , and sure enough , I found something else . A big colourful bucket of lego , I just couldn ’ t live with myself if this ended up on a landfill . I turn the key to art studio HQ , armless mutant mannequin under my arm , with swinging lego bucket on its leg , just about the shut door and postman asks if I ’ m doing anything interesting over the weekend , I respond in an Hunch Back of Notra Damme manner , yes I will concocting art in my laboratory , I must not be disturbed . After an evening of sticking broken bits of lego to the mutant mannequin and bashing together two new robot creations , the realisation hit me , that an art incarnation had been born . Ladies and Gentleman I bring to you Lieutenant Landfill .
The robots shall remain ambiguous , ambiguous 1 and ambiguous 2 , which was which , is beyond me . Whilst on route to Temple Gardens with my latest creations a thunderbolt gallery name thwacked me in my brain , for I , Artist Dotty , have created the wonder that is The Tat Modern . Anyway
cut a long story short , I tootled down to Travis Perkins , to grab a freebie piece of wood . Created a lovely green Tat Modern sign , with a small sillyphosical arrow , pointing to the art and the rest was history .
Pop down folks , it should all still be there . Oh and I apologise if the mutant manaquin , Lieutenant Landfill , scares you at night , this was an oversight on my part .