The Wellnes Seven Things You Should Know About Your Health | Page 4

So how are you doing these days? What has brought you to this little book? Are you sick and tired of being sick? Or do you have loved ones that just can’t seem to fight off some annoying disease? Or have you come to this publication to build up your body in prevention, so that you can play the offensive in disease instead of being on the defensive? Well whatever your reasons, we are glad you are here and would like to welcome you and hope that you not only reach your goals, but excel them with the assistance of this booklet. Having worked in the healthcare field for 20 plus years, I have seen with my own eyes and felt with my own heart, the struggles many have had in clinging to life, and many could have been in a much better position had they just knew and followed simple health principles. I have a financial degree, but right after school I became interested in health and decided to test the waters just to get some experience under my belt and see if I would really like it. So now I have had a license in health for 20 plus years and have gotten to work with many patients on all levels. Also I have given health classes and talks in various places around the United States.