The Wellnes Seven Things You Should Know About Your Health | Page 11

of course, this did not happen. Her own mother did not know, making it highly unlikely that I would be a Inheritor of this precious health info. “But time and chance comes to all.” Around age 22, I was challenged about my eating habits and instead of this making me better, it made me worse. I was totally resistant to any kind of change. But because of a book, or education, I made a change because all the things I read just made so much sense. And if I had thought about the early deaths of my relatives, it could have been a motivating factor, but it was not, I did not think upon these lines. I am just so glad, I accepted the challenge, when I almost did not, I came so close to ignoring this and perhaps running headstrong to an early grave. As a young adult, no one had ever presented to me such a common sense approach to health. I read the book that day, it made so much sense; I immediately decided to make an entire change. In today’s world, ignorance prevails. In some cases this ignorance is willful, in other cases, most are victims of deception. “My people perish for lack of knowledge” is the plea of God Himself, knowing that not only knowledge but a correct knowledge is needed. Most through indolence or bad time management do not take the time to investigate for themselves the critical topics of health, where life and death are at stake. Many people may turn