Victoria’s Story
came to learn each other’s
weaknesses, faults,
strengths, and interests.
Family dinner was no
longer served on snack trays
in front of the tube. We
were talking, laughing, crying and sometimes arguing,
but at least we were communicating and it has not
stopped. We learned to live
more with less.
Next Steps
Start your journey by expecting to go at it alone. If you have company along the route,
wonderful, but the greatest lessons are those you learn without
the distraction of others around you. Family and friends may
be in agreement for a while or until they feel uncomfortable.
Remember, this is your journey and about your purpose.
When God wants you to grow forward, He often moves you
into a different place, mentally and physically. Think of the
story of Lot in the Old Testament. God led him away from his
extended family and friends but directed him to a land of his
own. He also instructed Lot and his wife not to look back.
Don’t look over your shoulder
at who’s coming with you and
who isn’t or why. Run forward
with whatever is in your hand
right now, with the little knowledge, energy and fortitude you
have at this moment. Your
needs will be met along the
journey. It’s impossible to know
everything in the beginning and Victoria Knox created Transform
even things that are told to you from Inside Out Personal Developwon’t make as much sense until ment Coaching, a holistic approach
to transformation and healthier
you experience them. Lot’s
living after a series of health chalwife looked back and was
lenges and personal development
turned to a pillar of salt in what unrest. Her memoir and guide on
transformation entitled My Secret
is now called the Dead Sea.
Transformation: How I DeThat story is thousands of years
toxed My Life and Reinold. When I visited Israel, there vented Myself was published
is a figure that’s said to be her
this winter. She is also passionate
about and studying for a doctorate
in the water. Thousands of
in naturopathic medicine. For
years later, she is still stuck.
more information on Victoria visit
Don’t let that be you!
Phoebe Lenear
Psalmist and Worship
Debut CD
Phoebe Lenear debuts her gospel music
sound with exceptional vocal finesse, comparable
to the soulful sound of Tramaine Hawkins and
magnificent flair of Patti LaBelle. From 'Give Me
Jesus' to 'Heaven' her album is gospel music at its
Available at iTunes, Amazon and Tate Music Group online.
For more information, go to:
Fall/Winter 2013 The Well Magazine