A Mother’s Love
What We Believe
seen a ball of fire? Have you ever seen a burning bush roll
down the street?”
Through my tears, I said, “No.”
He ran to the other side of the room, hunched up, and began
charging toward me, saying, “You are going to come across like
a ball of fire, and the Lord is going to restore your soul, and all
of your boys are going to make it to the cross. Faint not, for
you are going to reap.” This is when I hit the floor.
One God in three persons: Father, Son, Holy
Reader, please take with you this powerful thought: we are
saved by the Lord’s sovereign grace. I’ve learned this lesson by
being gravely ill, undeniably humbled, and dangerously broken.
With all my imperfections, I continue to praise and pray to the
Lord. At this point, He has my complete attention. Don’t we
go to our father when we need help? The Lord has been my
only constant companion, because for many years, my father
didn’t claim me and my mother gave me to her friend a few
weeks after my birth. Yet she did not terminate me. I bless the
Lord for her. The Lord created the most loving and spiritual
home environment for me to grow up in. It is now part of my
life’s journey. I have witnessed his magnificent power, miracles
and plans for my life’s journey on earth.
Where else could I go for support, or on whom would I depend to guide me in my many times of need? It would have to
be the one who created me. The one with whom I have a personal relationship, the only one who has complete control over
my life, now and forever.
There is no other way for
any of us to be saved and
set free other than by His
grace and mercy. I’ve been
walking into His arms all my
life and I have been running
for the last nine years. Now,
I write. I can honestly say I
am coasting my way to the Mathell Givens is a recipient of the
Chicago Defender Newspaper
heavenly cross. It is the
“Women of Excellence Award
most amazing revelation
2012.” She is the co-host of a weekly
radio show on the Big Gospel Express
I’ve experienced so far in
1570 AM entitled "The Interaction
my earthly life. I was once
Show” and also hosts her own Blogtold by a prophet to hold on Talk radio show, "The Mathell Givens Nothing but Good News and
and don’t give up. It is the
Good Music." Her book, Angels in
best advice I can give to
My Life: An Inspiring Life’s
you. Hold on and don’t give Journey, was published in 2010. For
more information about Givens and
up! I’m a living witness that her book, go to
God’s every word is true.
The Well Magazine Fall/Winter 2013
Jesus Christ’s deity, virgin birth, sinless humanity, sacrifice on the cross, atoning blood, bodily
resurrection, ascension to heaven and return.
The Bible is God’s infallible revelation to man.
Salvation by grace alone, through faith alone,
through Jesus Christ alone.
The one true church, the body of Christ, consisting of all believers.
At the Well and The Well Magazine are dedicated
to encouraging, enlightening, edifying and inspiring others through the power of God’s Word and
sharing our stories.
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Through t