The Welkin 2013 | Page 25

Jean-(Cuts him off.) I’m not Ms. Roninski. I am her mother... Johnny’s grandmother. Doctor- Oh, I’m sorry it’s just I always see you here, so I thought. Jean-That’s quite okay. I would be honored to be his mother. Doctor-Well isn’t that sweet. Inform me when Ms. Roninski gets here so I may inform her of the results. Jean-Will do. (Nurse and Doctor exit right) (Jean glances up towards Johnny, she slowly walks over to him. she places a hand on his cheek, she smiles and tears start to fall down her cheeks.) Jean-I know you can do it. Wake up; show me those beautiful blue eyes of yours. (She begins to cry quietly, she looks up and wipes her eyes. She slowly begins to sing somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a land that I have heard of once in a lullaby, where troubles melt like lemon drops.) Alice-Mom? Jean-(Stops singing and wipes the tears from her eyes, then turns around) Yes? Alice- Any news? Jean- the doctor has the test results let me go get him. (Exits stage right) Alice-(Slowly walks over to the bed.) Wake up! This is just another one of your foolish tricks. (The doctor and Jean enter right) Doctor- Ms. Roninski? Alice-Yes? Doctor-We have received Johnny’s test results. He seems to have a severe case of pneumonia. Does anyone around him smoke? Jean-I do... Doctor-Well, we advise he stays away from cigarette smoke for a while. Try keeping him inside. We gave him some medication, so he should be waking up soon.