DCL in New Brighton Update
What a month it has been for New
Brighton! With the funding for the hot
salt water pools secured, and concept
designs for the new playground released,
there is much to look forward to.
Right now Development
Christchurch is seeking community
feedback on the designs for the
Beachside Playground. This feedback
will be used to help inform the final
designs, so that New Brighton can get
the best playground possible. DCL are
on track for opening the playground by
Christmas this year. Concept designs and
links to give feedback can be found at
www.dcl.org.nz, and the deadline for feedback is July 23.
Staff from DCL have had a great time at our stall at the Seaside Market. We will be down at the
Market on the 1 st , 8 th , and 15 th of July to discuss the Beachside Playground and the regeneration of
New Brighton. DCL is also hosting four public drop-in sessions at the Hub / Imagination Station on
Carnaby Lane on the 4 th , 6 th , 11 th , and 13 th of July from 4:30 – 6:30pm.
June has also seen the launch of Imagination Station’s New Brighton pop-up. In the first two weeks,
Imagination Station has played host to around 700 people - 70% of whom were in New Brighton
specifically for Imagination Station. 78% said that they would continue to shop in New Brighton after
their visit.
These are encouraging statistics that indicate that leisure and recreation destinations can and do
contribute to the wider commercial core.
Imagination Station is
open on Fridays,
Saturdays, Sundays and
Mondays, as well as
every day of the July
school holidays, until
August 21.