Library Activities
Easter is already here. We will be closed April 14 th (Good Friday) and April 17 th (Easter Monday). We
will also be closed April 25 th for ANZAC Day.
Easter also means it’s School Holidays!
The theme these holidays is Eye Spy April and we have a range of activities planned.
Monday 19 April – Easter Monday - Closed
Tuesday 18 April – Invisible Ink Messages
Wednesday 19 April – Finger print art
Thursday 20 April – Board games – Guess Who and more
Monday 24 April – Make and break secret codes
Tuesday 25 April – ANZAC Day - Closed
Wednesday 26 April – Who Dunnit?! Solve a mystery
Friday 28 April – 3D printing in action
All events start at 2pm and are FREE, No booking required.
Please note that our Babytimes, Storytimes and Minecraft will be taking a
break during the holidays.
Some libraries will be running Storytimes through the holidays, check
www.christchurchcitylibraries.com for details.
Events for Adults:
Free CV Drop-in sessions:
Thursdays 10-11.30am. Librarians will be available to offer
basic assistance with creating, updating, editing and printing
your CV. No booking required.
Avon-Ōtākaro Network is
excited about a wee project that has been
a long time in the planning - a garden in
front of the Poppies over Gallipoli
sculpture which will incorporate stones
from Cannukale, Gallipoli Peninsula,
local bricks and plants into a stylised
poppy design.
Thanks so much to the Coastal-Burwood
Community Board, T.C. Wellington
Büyükelçiliği (Turkish Embassy,
Wellington), Department of
Conservation, Otautahi Bespoke
Builders, and Fahey Fence Hire (2010)
Ltd for helping it happen.