The Wave Issue 73 | Page 7

7 New Brighton Mums A Facebook group for mums in the greater New Brighton to chat, rant, ask advice and organise picnics, coffee dates or walking groups! groups/258320577834516/ Mainly Music Mondays 11am-12pm for Pre-schoolers & families: St Ambrose Church , 309 Breezes Rd, 388 6699 Loopy Tunes Mondays 10.30-11.30am A fun, interactive weekly pre-school music session that allows the care-giver and child to interact together and learn to grow through music. (inc morning tea) New Brighton Union Church Hall, corner Union & Collingwood Streets Little Bears Tuesday 9:30am-11:30am Little Bears is a weekly community playgroup with a focus on music and where everyone is welcome. We also have lots of other activities for the children to do while the parents have a cup of tea and chat. Grace Vineyard Beach Campus Cost: $2 per whanau Morning tea is provided. For more info email: [email protected] New Brighton Library Babytimes —0-2 yrs 10.30 am Wed. during term time Storytimes —2-5 yrs 10.30 am Tues. during term time Under 5’s Activities Tumble Times Wednesday 9.30-10.30am Cowles Stadium, Pages Road 941 5333 Tumble times is a casual drop in class for pre- schoolers running during term time. Classes cost $3.50 per session (and $2.50 for each additional sibling from the same family). Aimed at children aged 2 years up. Mums & Bubs Monday 11am - 12.45pm Come along and meet other mums and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea being made for you by the volunteers South Brighton Community Centre Coffee & gardening Every Wednesday 9am Come along and learn a new skill, bring your preschoolers too. South Brighton Community Centre Seaside Toy Library Toys for kids 6 months—7years St Luke’s Church Hall 212 Pine Ave, South Brighton 9:30-11:30am every second Sat Joining Fee $80, toys $1-$2 each per fortnight Facebook: Seaside Toy Library Musical Tots Fridays 11am to 12 noon term time For pre-schoolers and parents St Luke's Church, 212 Pine Ave South Brighton 3889118 $2.00 per child All Welcome. Parklands’ Move and Groove A group for Parents and Caregivers in Christchurch East. Time for a chat, a cuppa, activities for children and music for all. Find them on facebook for more details.