New Brighton Scout group
Boys and girls ages 5 to 13 years
Keas years 1-3 at school. We meet Wednesdays
6pm till 7pm. Leaders Heidi, Leah and Taylor
Cubs years 4-6. We meet Tuesdays 6.30pm till
8pm. Leaders Denise and Joss
Scouts years 7-10 We meet Thursdays7pm till 9pm Leaders
Dave, Gavin and Mark
Your child has the opportunity to come join us for four
nights to see if this is for them. The leaders are very
welcoming and we have children from South Brighton
School, Rawhiti School, and New Brighton Catholic School.
Come down on the night, chat to our leaders, join in on fun
activities and make some new friends.
Where: 99 Shaw Ave Rawhiti Domain between The New
Brighton Silver band building and where the cricket club
For more information contact Group leader Dave Pearson on
021 190 3194
Movie Time
Every Monday
New Brighton
8 Hardy St. 382 5742
$2 entry
Classic movies in
friendly company!
Come early
First Tuesday
each month
New Brighton
Union Parish
Cnr Union &
Collingwood Streets
3889 220
First Friday
each month
St Luke's Church,
212 Pine Avenue
South Brighton
BYO snacks