The Wave Issue 73 | Page 10

Activities & Events

Sing-a-long St Faiths Lounge , Friday 2-4pm Sing song in friendly company Ukulele Jam
Friday nights from 7.30 at St Faiths Church Hall Hawke St New Brighton . Hosted by Natural Magic Pirate Band
Surf Side Stitchers Come and join this awesome group of crafty people , who look forward to welcoming any one who is interested in sharing their knowledge , learning or joining for the opportunity to sit round and have a natter and meet some new people while knitting , cross stitching , crocheting , doing macramé or anything else . Fortnightly on Wednesdays — South Brighton Community Centre , Beatty St If you require any more information please contact Gina on 022 650 5442 .

Parenting Education * Your growing Baby ( 5 wks )* * Infant CPR & Choking ( 1 hr )* * Food & Nutrition * * Other Ages & Stages * * Baby Massage * Email nikki . hoare @ plunket . org . nz Visit www . plunket . org . nz Follow us on Facebook Talk to your Plunket Nurse

Want to learn stone carving ?
Bon Suter is taking an open class on Thursdays 1-4pm in South New Brighton for only $ 15 per class . Check her website for contact details . http :// www . bonsuter . co . nz / index . html Bon 3883359 0272560622
St Luke ’ s Family Focused Activities After School Programme — Mon 3-5pm For primary age children Games , crafts , refreshments , fun .
Enquiries can be made about of these programmes by phoning the parish : 3889118
Knitting crochet group Te Waka Aroha 46 Hawke St Thurs 1.30pm — 2.30pm Come along with your knitting & patterns , share information & skills . All welcome for a cup of tea & a biscuit & a creative afternoon . Call Jo 3889118
New Brighton Community Gardens Volunteers welcome . Come and help us grow veges & seedlings , and share our produce . Low cost seedlings for sale Open 10am-4pm Monday , Wednesday , Friday & 10am-2pm Saturday email nbgardens @ xtra . co . nz or phone 3886506 136 Shaw Av , Rawhiti Domain www . nbgardens . org . nz
Victim Support is a community organisation with a network of caring and skilled volunteers across New Zealand . Our service is free , personal and Confidential . You can call us any time on 0800 VICTIM and we ’ ll assess your situation . If we ’ re not the right people to help , we can refer you to the right place . 0800 VICTIM ( 0800 842 846 ) victimsupport . org . nz
Lions Club of New Brighton meets 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday of the month at 6 pm in the New Brighton Club for more information
Contact Carolyn 3830234
Peter or Phyllis 9806893 Visitors welcome