Historical Happenings
2 by Peggy Butterfield
From the 1870s horse races were held on the beach northwards from where the pier now stands. Mr Tom Free at the time owned the Bower Hotel and also a good deal of the sandhills property between the hotel and the sea. Recognising the disadvantages of beach racing, he formed the New Brighton Racing club, and at a nominal rental, let the club have the area now known as QE2. A right of way was provided from New Brighton Road, as the area was just sandhills, manuka scrub, and tussock. In places, the sandhills were levelled and tracks cut through to make the race track. It was first used in 1886 for mixed galloping and trotting meetings. In 1890 it became the New Brighton Trotting club.
During World War two, they were forced to give the area to the military for army training. In 1948 the trotting club returned with a huge crowd in attendance. A brand new mile grass track, a new totalisator house and rails provided a first class venue where many famous horses raced and broke records. In 1963 the Christchurch City Council under Mayor Mr G Manning, bought the grounds for $ 75,000 and named it Queen Elizabeth 11 park to commemorate the royal visit. The grounds were then developed with athletic tracks, swimming pools and by January 1974 they were all ready to host the Commonwealth Games. QE2 was a very popular venue for athletes and families, until February 2011 changed all of that. We look forward to the future development of the area into schools and recreation areas again.
Jo Zervois has written a wonderful book on the history of QE2 and you can read this at the museum.
The New Brighton Museum still have a few 2017 calendars for sale. This year it is on old shops and shopkeepers- a real classic, in fact we have had to go into re-prints. $ 10 each or 3 for $ 25 The museum is open every day 1 to 3pm and they are also on sale at Hammer Hardware.
Also we are looking for some volunteers to man the desk one day a week and show people around. Someone with a love for New Brighton would be great. Pop in or ring Peg on 3884-286
Golden Oldie Movies every Monday at 1.30pm Come early for a cuppa and a chat. $ 2 donation. February Movies 6th Singing in the Rain, 1952
Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly, Musical 1hr 43min
13th Driving Miss Daisy, 1989 20th Cattle Queen of Montana, 1954 27th Thoroughly Modern Millie, 1961,
Morgan Freeman, Jessica Tandy, Comedy / Drama 1hr10min Ronald Regan, Barbara Stanwyck, Adventure 1hr 48m Julie Andrews, Musical 2hr 33min