Te Waka Aroha—The Lounge
Monday to Friday 10AM-4PM.
Come for a coffee, a chat, some advice or help
or just a friendly place to be
Community Café—St Andrews House
Monday & Friday 10am-12noon
Drop in for a cup of coffee or tea and a chat
Compassion Trust Community Lunch
held at Grace Vineyard Church. Monday
(fortnightly) at 12 noon. Gold coin donation appreciated. Ph 379 2329.
Grace Vineyard Every Tuesday 10am
St Ambrose Café Tuesday & Friday
10am-12pm Toasted sandwiches $2.00
Tea/coffee & biscuits donation/koha
Community lunches midday every Wed.
Community Food
Pancake Breakfast
Ages 5-12 (0-4 are welcome,
but must be accompanied by an adult)
Saturday mornings
Aranui High School,
91 Shortland St
Vege Co-op
1 bag of veg & 1 bag of fruit
$12 paid in advance
Te Waka Aroha
St Faiths, Hawke St
Every Tuesday 1-4pm
at ST Faiths, Hawke St. All welcome,
$2 suggested koha
A great way to connect with others, or talk to
our weekly visiting social worker.
Aranui Community Trust
Community BBQ
St Ambrose
Every Thursday at 12noon to 1pm
New Brighton Union Church on the corner of
Union & Collingwood.
A koha for the food. All welcome.
309 Breezes Rd 3886699
Hampshire St
Pay Mon 10am– Wed 3pm
Pick up Wed 12-3pm
Emergency Foodbank
Hot meal every Saturday at the basket ball
Pegasus Burwood Ward
Wednesday 10-11am
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
10am -12pm
St Ambrose Church
309 Breezes Rd Phone 388 6699
Hare Krishna Sunday Feast
Big Breakfast
Hare Krishna
Ferrymead Heritage Park, Bridal Path Road,
Gate A
Rupa Manjari
10am First Sunday each month,
Enjoy breakfast with friends
and family
St Luke's Church, 212 Pine Ave,
South Brighton 3889118