I couldn’t believe she knew the story. She even
knew the name. By this time she’s pretty much finI offer to drive and we make our way to my ished the pie. I enjoy a few last bites and sip on my
truck. The engine starts and the stereo blasts hard rock coffee.
music I was listening to. She jumped at first, so I
Mom coughs.
quickly turned it off. It’s weird enough she accepted a
Washes her hands.
ride from a stranger in the cemetery, so I didn’t want to
Chamille sips on her coffee.
make the situation any creepier. Surprisingly enough,
Dishes clank.
she turned the music back on and it was the only noise
Food sizzles.
as I cruised the dark roads to an all-night diner.
Fresh coffee drips.
I give the occasional glance in her direction to
“You ready to head back?”
make s