hen I attended the AIHP Summit in Norfolk at the end of February it was like a high school reunion. I have
been going to innkeeping conferences now for about 20 years, actually it’s so long I forget! It never ceases to amaze me how we don’t see each other for a year and we fall into our patterns of hello and hugs like we saw each other last week. We all catch up on news that happened in the last year and mostly I love the laughs! The fun and antics are amazing! And the old adage of what happened at the Summit stays at the Summit! Those laughs are what keep me grinning till the next Summit. That is definitely a warm feeling and I know I am in the right place. This year I came with a new personal reason as I will be an innkeeper this month of April! After 20 years+ of writing about bed and breakfasts I finally purchased one. I am sitting amongst boxes and packing tape while I am writing this editorial. At the Summit I asked some different innkeepers question of certain scenarios and got so much information – it was amazing. I have to do a shout out to Ray Rosset for helping me figure out minimum nights on weekends and how to structure rates etc., Ray you were a tremendous help! Ray and wife Kristie retired from innkeeping last year but still have so much to do with AIHP it’s so appreciated. From other attendees I learned a lot of valuable information you can’t find on the internet because it is tried and true. I met some attendees who were needing help regrouping and restructuring and those that were looking for their first bed and breakfast to purchase. They were all there for the same reason, to get ideas that will help with their success! At AIHP we want you to succeed and that is worth the price of admission alone, not to mention,ß the most amazing feeling in the world!
From the desk of Editor
Mary Hughes
Mary Hughes
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The Feeling of Family