Barry Werner
Scarborough Fair B&B, Baltimore, MD
“AIHP is community, knowledge and excitement for the future of our industry. AIHP allows me to connect to others in our industry.
Seldom do you get to meet others in your industry and be able to instantly share your ideas and fears, your gripes
about a bad day...or week and get immediate support and a boost to your confidence in return. Some of my greatest successes have been due to the great suggestions shared with me from fellow members of AIHP.
Other members have helped me to remain hopeful in hard times and find new sources of energy and inspiration to tackle the problems at hand. My involvement with the association has also allowed me to share some of my thoughts and expertise with others as well, both seasoned pros and those just starting their new careers. Being able to contribute to others and to our industry as a whole in a very meaningful way has been a great gift. The friendships that have developed from this family of hospitality are priceless. Due to AIHP, I have learned a great deal in other ways as well. The webinars and articles AIHP shares with me allows me to keep up to date with new travel trends, industry research, fresh ways to look at my every day goals and many more. After the honor of being involved with AIHP's education committee last week, I am very excited about some amazing potential in this area coming in the near future.The future of innkeeping and independent lodging in general is getting more exciting each and every day. Technology is changing how we operate our businesses and connect with guests. Attitudes on experiencing other cultures is changing as well. The need for meaningful experiences is growing in direct contrast to daily life interactions becoming more and more homogenized by constant connections to cell phones and tablet computers rather than on a personal wavelength. AIHP is helping me to navigate the many ways to foster authentic communications and experiences for not only my guests but for my employees as well. The sharing economy is causing a great deal of turbulence for small businesses and is being addressed by AIHP in a way that allows me to more fully understand the big picture at hand and have a place at the table to effect change in how it influences the landscape of our industry.
AIHP is looking at ways to effect a better outcome due to collaboration and communication with the major parts of the equation gives me hope and excitement about how things will progress. Rather than being only fearful, angered and filled with confusion I am looking forward to a future filled with new possibilities and great potential for growth both personally and financially.
I think you can see that your board of directors are passionate about this industry and dedicated to AIHP and its future! Their commitment goes beyond any words I can add. This is an exciting time for our industry and AIHP, the void in the Innkeeping world is closing, join with AIHP as we LOOK TO THE FUTURE of and this great industry.
We’re looking forward to meeting and spending time with everyone in Nashville!
Dean Carlson