for instance? What have you found
most helpful? Are there any short
cuts at all ? I can’t believe that I shall
ever be able to carry on a phone
conversation - my ultimate goal !
Margaret Joy
Ed: One thing our readers have taught us, Margaret,
is how perseverance always pays off. So come on
readers, what tips have you got for Margaret. Please
let us know. Oh, and we’ll expect a phone call from
you Margaret, when you’ve got it mastered!
I have just received the £100 cheque
that you kindly sent to us for our
Christmas event. We go to Rhyl Golf
Club for an afternoon meal which
we pay for ourselves and this money
is much appreciated. I have recently
started dealing with your company
and find it a first class service.
Mr D Greenwood
Coming to terms
I’m a 37 year old laryngectomee, I
had the operation when I was 34,
I’ve still not come to terms with
being a laryngectomee. I find it has
taken away my self confidence, I
also found myself suffering from
depression and anxiety, which I’m
dealing with now making small
steps. When The Voice would come
through the letter box I would pick
it up not wanting to open it. I would
end up throwing it in the kitchen
drawer and close it. I did this for a
long time, but just the other day I
decided to open issue 6 and I’m so
glad I did. I was amazed reading
through it, I don’t feel so alone now.
I thank you.
Annette Aitken
Ed: Lovely to hear from you, Annette, and we’re so
glad The Voice has helped you feel like you’re among
friends. Hope you enjoy your £30 M&S vouchers.
34 THE VOICE | Summer 2013