completing the form much easier. I
would advise any one going down
the path of trying to obtain the
allowances to obtain benefit pack
from The Association - ring 0207
7308 5851 - it really does help.
Graham Fuller
Ed: Thanks for the positive feedback, Graham. And
we can only second what Graham has said – give
the Association a call if you’re making a benefit
application. You’ll be glad you did.
The young ones
Whilst at my local speech therapy
dept today I was reading the latest
edition of The Voice, i came across
the article by Balgit Potter who feels
young at 47 yrs becoming a larry.
I had my op in 98 aged 43 yrs, and
like her felt very young to be having
this operation, in fact I can say that
my age and no longer being able
to smell were probably the hardest
parts of what was happening to me
to cope with at that time.
I am now 56 yrs and had 13 yrs of
really quite good health, if you feel
it would help her, or if she would
like to get in touch with me then i’d
be happy to share my experiences
of being a relatively young larry.
Robert Carey
Ed: We’re sure Balgit will appreciate your offer, Robert.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Are there
any more younger larys out there? Yes there are…
Sound advice wanted
I had my laryngectomy at the end
of February so I have read only a
few issues of The Voice. I find it very
helpful, bringing readers together
to share their experiences.
I have decided to learn oesophageal
speech and my speech therapist
is wonderfully helpful and
encouraging. I try to use sound
as often as I can produce it, but
frequently find myself running
out of breath and just mouthing
the words. Most people are very
kind, but these are very frustrating
months. I would really value tips
from others who have struggled
through this process. – How often
should I practise and for how long,
Summer 2013 | THE VOICE