The VoicE Q3
The Air We Breathe:
How to Protect Your Members
and Staff From COVID-19
As of July 20, only 18% of Americans say
they would feel comfortable returning to the
gym. As more and more studies prove that
SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, is
transmitted via the air, we ask, how can we
eliminate SARS-CoV-2 from the air in our
gyms and ensure that our gym members
and staff are safe, protected and cared for?
We want to teach you about airborne pathogens
and show you how you can eliminate
SARS-CoV-2 from your gym withVB Enviro
Care’s Novaerus technology.
They Say “COVID-19 is Airborne.” What
Does This Really Mean?
Mounting evidence has emerged proving
that SARS-CoV-2 spreads through aerosols,
or microscopic airborne particles that float
through enclosed spaces, carried on air currents
and accumulating in poorly ventilated
areas. These aerosolized droplets can hang
in the air for up to sixteen hours and float
dozens of feet, making enclosed spaces dangerous,
even when people remain six-feet
apart. This evidence corrects the misconception
that coronavirus is only spread by people
sneezing on each other and touching infected
doorknobs or workout machines. Like
measles and tuberculosis, it is also spread
through the air.
Large droplets, emitted by coughing and
sneezing, quickly fall to the ground and attach
themselves to surfaces to be picked
up by hand and transmitted from person to
person. Small droplets, however, stay suspending,
floating around for inhalation and
gradually dissipating like a cloud of cigarette
Regular surface disinfection and hand washing
are not enough—microorganisms are
continually introduced as people enter and
leave indoor spaces. The more people come
in and out of a space, the more likely it is that
someone who is infected will show up; the
longer time someone spend in a space, the
higher the concentration of contaminants in
the air; the heavier someone breathes (say,
while exercising), the greater the number of
droplets expelled, and thus, the larger the viral
load; the stronger the air conditioning (a
must for summer fitness!), the greater the
odds of recirculation.
We Spend So Much Time and Energy Disinfecting
Surfaces. What About Disinfecting Air?
Proactive air disinfection is essential for ensuring
a safe and healthy environment for
your members, trainers, and staff. Coronavirus
has brought indoor air quality into the
spotlight. Indoor air is full of viruses and bacteria
that can cause infection, such as influenza,
measles, and tuberculosis.
In fact, Indoor air can be up to 100x more
polluted that outdoor air—a concerning figure,
considering that people spend 90% of
their time indoors. The EPA has consistently
ranked indoor air pollution among the top
five environmental risks to public health.
Why Your Current Air Filter Won’t Cut It
Many air purifiers on the market rely on
high-quality filtration and applications like
UV, ozone, or chemicals to capture microorganisms.
Yet all of these solutions have
concerning limitations. In the absence of
technology to kill microorganisms, filters can
become a safe haven for pathogens to colonize,
multiply, and escape back into the indoor
environment; they pose a safety risk to
staff who must regularly replace them without
proper personal protective equipment. In
addition, many filters are also unable to trap
microscopic viral particles. UV, ozone, and
chemical solutions offer short-term solutions
that can produce harmful by-products for humans
and create bacterial resistance.
Your Secret Weapon: Plasma Technology
Plasma technology kills airborne pathogens
at the molecular level. Plasma, known as the
fourth state of matter, can create a high voltage
“force field”; when a virus, bacteria, fungi,
or mold spore—no matter how microscopic—moves
across this field, it instantaneously
oxidizes and dies. This process happens
within milliseconds, destroying pathogenic
DNA, breaking down gases and chemicals,
inhibiting future growth of mold and bacteria,
and eliminating odors. Plasma technology
produces no harmful by-products.
When these pathogens, viruses, bacteria,
fungi, mold spores—no matter how micro-
scopic—a high voltage “force field” created
by our plasma technology, they instantly oxidize
and die. Every single one. Immediately.
We Can Help
At VB Enviro Care, we have identified the
most powerful plasma air sterilizer on the
market. We want you to have it so that your
gym members and staff know they are walking
into the safest and healthiest possible environment.
Our Air Purification System was designed for
both rapid remediation and continuous treatment
of indoor air against viruses, bacteria,
mold, dust, pollen, dander, and VOCs (such
as asbestos and formaldehyde). It works in
three steps:
1. An internal fan pulls in air and pushes
it across our ultra-low energy plasma
field that safely and instantly destroys
microorganisms and viruses at the DNA
2. Our HEPA H13 filter traps any residual
bacterial debris. All pathogens have been
actively killed before filtration, which
prevents colonies from forming on the
HEPA filter.
3. Our activated carbon filter absorbs
odors and VOCs before releasing the disinfected,
sterilized air for circulation.
Our air purification units are used in hospitals
worldwide to safely kill airborne superbugs
like MRSA, C. diff, and Tuberculosis,
and have been tested and proven
by more than 50 laboratories and clinical
research sites, including the NASA Ames
Research Centre, California.
Air Purification Units have been independently
tested against MS2 Bacteriophage, a commonly
used surrogate for SARS-CoV-2, and shown to
reduce the virus by 99.99% in just 15 minutes.
(2010 – Evaluation of filters for the sampling
and quantification of RNA Phage Aerosols,
Louis Gendron et al.)
To learn more about how VB Enviro Care can
reassure your members, your staff, and your
community that your gym is committed to
their utmost safety and health, contact us at
(877) 345-7541, or visit us at vbenvirocare.