The Virtuous Daughter Magazine Fall 2016 | Page 21

That pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it? All of our good friends know all our stories, but there is only one Friend who has lived every single one of them with you. I bet you all know Who that is, right? Jesus! He is the only Friend in life Who will never change due to circumstances, Who will never break your friendship, Who will never betray you, Who will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)! To become friends with the only Best of the best friends we will ever have, we must start a relationship with Him. How? Well, how did you start the relationship with your earthly best friend(s)? You introduced yourself, told them about yourself, etc. Once that wonderful bond of friendship had formed, you shared with them your dreams, longings, thoughts, what you love, etc. It should be that way with Jesus. Once we have accepted Him into our lives, we then can begin an in-depth relationship with Him. Of course, it starts with Bible reading and prayer. By reading the Bible, it is like reading a letter from a friend/pen-pal; it tells about the person, who they are, etc. The Bible is more than a letter, though; it is a love letter! Our Lord loves us so much that the Bible is His love letter to us, showing us how to live, how to bring Him glory, and much, much more! Having a set-aside time for Bible reading is of upmost importance in our lives. If you are thinking right now, “Awl, I have no time for Bible reading, by the time I get up to my room in the evenings, I’m too tired to read.” I have a solution. How long did you watch TV before you went up to your room? How long do you spend on your computer or phone per day emailing, texting, chatting, checking Facebook, etc?? Well, yes, there is some good in some of those things, but we should moderate our selves when using them. If we set aside a time, say, 30 minutes, to use doing what we do on our tech, and when those minutes are up, we put our laptops and phones down, and have an hour or more in the Bible, what do you think will happen? Doubling the amount of time you spend in the Bible with the time you use on the internet is a great idea to help grow that passion for reading God’s Word. Now, for prayer. Prayer is how we communicate with the Lord. When you think of praying, do you think of the rehearsed script you